Michael Fine

Michael Fine

Michael Fine, MD, is a writer, community organizer, and family physician. He is the chief health strategist for the City of Central Falls, RI and recipient of many awards and prizes for his pioneering work bringing together public health and primary medical care. He was director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, 2011–2015. His book The Bull and Other Stories won the 2021 Independent Publishers of New England (IPNE) Award for Literary Fiction. He’s worked all over the nation and the world, from the South Bronx to Appalachia to Liberia and Kenya.

On Medicine as Colonialism

On Medicine as Colonialism

SKU: 9781629639901
Author: Michael Fine
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629639901
Published: 02/14/23
Format: Paperback
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 176
Subjects: Political Science / Health Care, Economic and Social Policy


“On Medicine as Colonialism details the sociopolitical realities that undergird health injustice and offers a realistic perspective on achieving health equity.”
—Jewel Mullen, MD, MPH, Dell Medical School, UT Austin
“Fine writes with the eye of both a humanist and a practitioner. . . . His passion for individual lives and concern for the common good is what drives his outrage at what has been wrought.”
—Christopher Koller, president of the Milbank Fund, from the foreword
“A sobering diatribe on health care in America.”
—David N. Sundwall, MD, former executive director of the Utah Department of Health
“Colonialism, greed, blackmail, money-driven politics, and drug-dealing—all on a global scale. . . . On Medicine as Colonialism reveals that our healthcare system is . . . about money and power. This book will make you angry.”
—Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH

Abundance book cover


SKU: 9781629636443
Author: Michael Fine
Publisher: PM Press/ Spectacular Fiction
ISBN: 9781629636443
Published: 4/2019
Format: Paperback, mobi, ePub, PDF
Size: 5 x 8
Page count: 352
Subjects: Fiction


“Michael Fine’s novel, Abundance, is a riveting, suspenseful tale of love, violence, adventure, idealism, sometimes-comic cynicism, class conflict and crime . . . a story that displays both the deep disconnect between the First and Third Worlds and our commonalities.”
—Robert Whitcomb, former finance editor of the International Herald Tribune and former editorial page editor of the Providence Journal

“Michael Fine takes us into the heart of a country at war with itself. But our journey, in battered Land Rovers, along potholed red dirt roads, is propelled by love, not hate. That love offers hope for Liberia, our often forgotten sister country, and anyone who confronts despair. Read Abundance. Reignite your own search for a life worth living.”
—Martha Bebinger, WBUR

“A powerful first novel—an epic stretching from the civil wars of Liberia to the streets of Rhode Island. A joy to read!”
—Paul J. Stekler, Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker

Health Care Revolt book cover

Health Care Revolt: How to Organize, Build a Health Care System, and Resuscitate Democracy—All at the Same Time

SKU: 9781629635811
Author: Michael Fine • Foreword: Bernard Lown and Ariel Lown Lewiton
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629635811
Published: 9/2018
Format: Paperback, mobi, ePub, PDF
Size: 5 x 8.5
Page count: 192
Subjects: Politics-Activism / Health Care


“This is a revolutionary book. The author incites readers to embark on an audacious revolution to convert the American medical market into the American health care system.”
—T.P. Gariepy, Stonehill College/CHOICE connect

“Michael Fine is one of the true heroes of primary care over several decades.”
—Dr. Doug Henley, CEO and executive vice president of the American Academy of Family Physicians

“As Rhode Island’s director of health, Dr. Fine brought a vision of a humane, local, integrated health care system that focused as much on health as on disease and treatment.”
—U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

“Michael Fine has given us an extraordinary biopic on health care in America based on the authority of his forty-year career as writer, community organizer, family physician, and public health official.”
—Fitzhugh Mullan, MD

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