Michael Fine's Blog

Audiobook version of Health Care Revolt includes a new chapter, “What Was That–Coronavirus, Chaos, and Democracy.”

Listen to the brand new audiobook of Health Care Revolt: How to Organize, Build a Health Care System, and Resuscitate Democracy—All at the Same Time by Dr. Michael Fine, which includes a new chapter, “What Was That–Coronavirus, Chaos, and Democracy.”

This new chapter links the abject failure to control and contain Coronavirus in the U.S. with chaos in our political system, failures of the Supreme Court, and the decline of democracy. Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh reminded us, at his confirmation hearing, that “boys and girls like beer.” What was that?! Now the coming nightmare of Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one more example of what results from the abandonment of democracy in the U.S. We have a president who is a reality TV star. What did we expect?
“What Was That–Coronavirus, Chaos, and Democracy” names names and takes no prisoners. This new chapter provides a precise timeline of who failed when, each step of the way. It recognizes how we continue to fail ourselves and one another. If we allow democracy to continue to wither, what will we have left?

According to Dr. Fine, we need a political revolution in health care that will allow the nation to protect health while strengthening democracy. That’s what Health Care Revolt is all about. And now you can listen to the book, read by the author.

Michael Fine, MD, is a writer, community organizer, and family physician. He is the chief health strategist for the City of Central Falls, RI, and Senior Clinical and Population Health Services Officer for Blackstone Valley Community Health Care, Inc., and recipient of many awards and prizes for his pioneering work bringing together public health and primary medical care. He was director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, 2011–2015.

Health Care Revolt: How to Organize, Build a Health Care System, and Resuscitate Democracy—All at the Same Time

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