By Mathias Ehlers11FreundeApril 2011 Alright, good soul of football, now you have your own classic. Ironic, though, that it is…
Rage Against the Machine
Sport MagazineJuly 2011 Ever since Sepp ‘Envelope’ Blatter and his FIFA cabal decided that the 2022 World Cup would be…
Soccer vs. the State in The Independent (UK)
By Simon RedfernThe Independent (UK)August 7, 2011 The idea of football as “the people’s game” has taken a battering in…
Left Foot Forward: A Review of Soccer Vs. The State
When Saturday Comes Magazineby Tom DaviesOctober 2011 The idea that football and politics cannot or should not mix has always…
Playing as if the World Mattered— A Review
largehearted boy It’s true that, as Noam Chomsky says, sports reinforce irrational attitudes in submission to authority. It’s also true…
Playing as if the World Mattered— A Catalan Review
Creu Negra Duatlètica Darrere aquest títol, en català “Jugant com si el Món Importés” hi ha un llibre sobre esport…
Sport for development and change through activism
By Russell HoldenIdrottsforumOctober 1st, 2015 As the worst European refugee crisis since 1945 continues to unfold, one of the few…
Playing as if the World Mattered: A Review
By JJ Amaworo WilsonJJ Amaworo WilsonJuly 17th, 2015 Elite sport has a lot to answer for. Rabid consumerism, blind nationalism,…
Playing as if the World Mattered in the Journal of Sports History
by Russell FieldJournal of Sports HistoryVolume 43, Number 2 It is diffcult to imagine that the link between activism and…
Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: A Turkish Review
İşçi sporları hareketi – 1: Burjuva ve işçi sporu ayrımı March 30th, 2018 Dünya, iki paylaşım savaşı arasındaki süreçte…