By Bob Rossi Mid-Willamette Valley Labor Solidarity Alerts Homestead Steel Mill—the Final Ten Years: USWA Local 1397 and the Fight…
Mike Stout
Why the hell not—A review of Homestead Steel Mill: The Final Ten Years
By Gary Holloway Tempest While attending the Labor Notes conference in June I picked up a copy of Mike Stout’s…
On Disposability and Rebellion: Insights From a Rank-and-File Insurgency
by JoAnn WypijewskiCounterPunchJuly 6th, 2020 Image Source: Cover of the book Homstead Steel Mill – The Final Ten Years by…
A Mon Valley Memoir: How Steelworkers in Homestead Went Down Fighting in the 1980s— in Counterpunch
By Steve Early Counterpunch June 12th, 2020 Younger radicals in the United States are today considering how to relate, personally…
Hard Lessons Learned Inside a Steel Union’s Battles to Save Jobs and Benefits
By Si DunnSagecreek.wordpress.comJune 2nd, 2020 Now more than ever, with some 40 million Americans unemployed, the nation’s economy stalled by…
A Mon Valley Memoir: How Steelworkers in Homestead Went Down Fighting in the 1980s
By Steve Early New Labor Forum May 20th, 2020 Younger radicals in the United States are today considering how to…