Alice Lynd was a draft counselor and trainer of draft counselors during the Vietnam War. In 1968, she published We Won’t Go: Personal Accounts of War Objectors. She later became first a paralegal and then a lawyer. After retirement from practicing labor law in the wake of plant shutdowns, she became an advocate for prisoners sentenced to death and/or held for years in solitary confinement at Ohio’s supermaximum security prison.
Related: Staughton Lynd’s Author Page

Moral Injury and Nonviolent Resistance: Breaking the Cycle of Violence in the Military and Behind Bars
SKU: 9781629633794
Authors: Alice Lynd & Staughton Lynd
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629633794
Published: 5/2017
Format: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 192
Subjects: Political Activism/Philosophy-Nonviolence
“The concept of ‘moral injury,’ so powerfully outlined and then
enriched through elegant choreography of data, personal anecdotes, and
medical definitions, brings us all some solace.”
—Doug Rawlings, cofounder of Veterans for Peace, Vietnam veteran
“An emotionally difficult read that will gnaw at your value system,
jerk at your humanity, and light a fire under you to take action. This
book tears down the prevailing societal scaffolding which reveres war
and violence, and with oh-so-gentle hands reconstructs a future built
with the utmost respect for the individual, unwavering wisdom of
collective nonviolent action, and dogged demand for accountability.
Break the cycle of violence before it breaks us all!”
—Sam Bahour, coeditor with Staughton and Alice Lynd of Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians
“This book links the damage done to soldiers and prisoners: the
complex ways in which our society uses and abuses the generations we
should be empowering rather than destroying. It is a must read for
anyone concerned about survival with integrity.”
—Margaret Randall, author of Haydée Santamaría, Cuban Revolutionary: She Led by Transgression
“Society commemorates wars but tends to forget its veterans, who
often return home plagued by shame and guilt for killing; many prisoners
also carry the weight of their violent actions and the Lynds do a
remarkable job in connecting the struggles of the two without equating
—Carl Mirra, associate professor, Adelphi University, Marine Corps resister and author of Soldiers and Citizens: An Oral History of Operation Iraqi Freedom from the Battlefield to the Pentagon
“Staughton and Alice Lynd have accompanied today’s executioners and
victims, the soldiers and prisoners of today’s empire, on and off death
row, in and out of court, by law and by direct action. With decades of
experience, courage, patience, and intelligence they listen, learn, and
record individual human beings in the belly of the beast who struggle to
forgive and to resist. The collaboration results in the highest human
faculty of moral reasoning that promises to link the individual,
suffering human conscience to restored humanity. Empire cannot withstand
even the hint, much less the fulfillment of such promise!”
—Peter Linebaugh, author of The Magna Carta Manifesto and Stop, Thief!
Book Events
february, 2025
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- No Just War
- Resistance to Military and Prison Violence on H-Socialisms
- Moral Injury and Nonviolent Resistance: A Review
- Solidarity Unionism Today: An Interview with Staughton Lynd
- An Interview With Staughton & Alice Lynd: Social Justice Champions