Bizhan Khodabandeh's Blog, Panel

GANGSTA RAP MADE ME DO IT: The Artivism of Comics Panel with Bizhan Khodabandeh

September 19th, 2020

Everything isn’t about capes, super powers, and utility belts. The world has a lot of… real things going on right now. Many comic artists and writers create comics and cartoons to tackle social injustice head on. Not only is it a way to express their feelings, it also reaches different types of audiences. On this panel, host Victor Dandridge Jr speaks to Bizhan Khodabandeh, Ezra Daniels, D-Nick, Tony Puryear, Whitney Taylor Becker on how their work in the industry has had an inpact on their work that they have put forth in their community.

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The Day the Klan Came to Town