The jolly life of Erich Mühsam, the German revolutionary at home in bohemian circles as much as among anarchist communists, continues to inspire popular culture adaptations. Mühsam’s exploits and ideas have been portrayed in the PM Press release Liberating Society from the State. In 2012, the legendary German punk band Slime brought out an album with musical interpretations of Mühsam poems. Now, cartoonist Jan Bachmann has teamed up with the publisher Edition Moderne to give us the graphic novel Mühsam, Anarchist in Anführungsstrichen, based on Mühsam diary entries. (See this post for the excellent and innovative edition of Mühsam’s diaries by Berlin’s Verbrecher Verlag.) Of great interest to the historian, artist, and activist alike!
(October 2018)
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