by Nora McKayNoramckay.weebly.comMay 8th, 2014 Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-racist organizing, feminist praxis, and movement strategy is what I would call…
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Towards Collective Liberation in Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and Action
by Adam LewisAffinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and ActionMay 2014 Anarchism has long prided itself on being one…
Truthout Interviews Chris Crass on Feminism
by Ted AsregadooTruthoutJune 22nd, 2014 Truthout contributor Chris Crass talks to Ted Asregadoo about structural and behavioral sexism, and the…
Anarres Project with Chris Crass: Social Justice and Hope on Truthout
by Anarres Project and Chris CrassEarth First! JournalJuly 2nd, 2014 Chris Crass on Social Justice Heroes, Obstacles and Hope in…
Most Social Change Groups Grapple with White Privilege—But This Book Can Help
by Joshua Kahn RussellYES! MagazineSeptember 17th, 2014 The work of activism is full of messy contradictions. In Towards Collective Liberation,…
Towards Collective Liberation: A review by the War Resisters League
By Joshua StephensWar Resisters LeagueSeptember 2014 With Towards Collective Liberation, veteran activist and writer Chris Crass has filled a number…
Towards Collective Liberation: A review in Peace News
By Milan RaiPeace NewsOctober-November 2014 When I’ve heard white people committed to social change start talking about racism and activism,…
Towards Collective Liberation, or Why We Won’t Stop Talking About Racism
By Dawn HaneyBuddhist Peace FellowshipOctober 9th, 2014 Race was a central theme at BPF’s National Gathering, with offerings like: The…
Towards Collective Liberation reviewed on Fellowship of Reconciliation
By Moira BirssFellowship of ReconciliationNovember 2014 For those of us participating in the struggle to bring about systemic change, but…
Snapshots from the Bay Area left
By Todd ChretienSocialistworker.orgMay 27th, 2015 Todd Chretien reviews a combination memoir, history and political statement written by a well-known activist…