The BrainpanJanuary 17th, 2013 “ON THE GROUND serves as a valuable contribution to countercultural history.”- Paul Krassner, author of CONFESSIONS…
On the Ground: An Illustrated Anecdotal History of the Sixties Underground Press in the U.S.
On the Ground Reviewed in Logos
by Abe PackLogosJuly 2013 An excerpt from Review Essay: The Life and Times of the Underground Press On The Ground:…
On the Ground in The Rag Blog
by Jonah RaskinThe Rag BlogDecember 14, 2011 Sean Stewart’s On the Ground is the last of three feisty books published…
Notes from Underground: On the Ground in Guernica
by Matthew Newton GuernicaAugust 1, 2012 Writer and former radical bookstore owner Sean Stewart talks about his new book on…
Notes from Underground
By Steven HellerImprintDecember 5, 2011 Between 1967 and 1972, when the baby-boom counterculture was at its height, many lives were…
On the Ground: New Book Collection of Sixties Underground Press
By Robert NewmanThe Society of Publication DesignersNovember 23, 2011 On the Ground is a great new book about the 1960s…
On the Ground in Counterpunch
By Ron JacobsCounterpunchDecember 2-4, 2011 There were two types of media my high school friends and I truly looked forward…
On the Ground on RalphMag
By Lolita LarkRalphMagFebruary 2012 If you had the misfortune to live through the Eisenhower years, you will know how stifling,…
On the Ground: A Review
BookNewsJuly 2012 The underground press of the 1960s is widely considered by participants to be one of the most influential…
What Modern America Is All About: On the Ground, A Review
by Laura TannaJamaica GleanerAugust 26, 2012 A Jamaican’s take on the United States at one of its most stimulating periods…