Videoforedrag og intervju med Gabriel Kuhn Nettverk for dyrs frihet inviterte den politiske skribenten og oversetteren Gabriel Kuhn til Oslo…
All Power to the Councils: A Review in
by Ralf Hoffroggeworkerscontrol.netSeptember 20, 2011 Every schoolchild on the globe knows something about the Russian Revolution from 1917. It was…
scott crow on ‘Wild is the West’ (profiled as part of series on the US West)
By Yvonne Kunz and Anja Conzett Republik January 26th, 2018 Wild Is the West Texas – der Westen an seinen Grenzen:…
Welche Welt wollen wir schaffen?/What world do we want to create?
By Merlin SanowGraswurzel RevolutionApril 1st, 2018 Ein Interview mit Scott Crow über die Situation in den USA, selbstorganisierte Katastrophenhilfe und…
All Power to the Councils: A Review
By Matthew S. AdamsAnarchist StudiesVolume 2 Number 1pp. 110-112 The motif of the guns falling silent is a popular one…
All Power to the Councils: A Review in Insurgent Notes
by Gary RothInsurgent NotesDecember 24th, 2013 Review: Wild Socialism: All Power to the Councils! Workers’ councils have been something of…
„Die Gesellschaft ist ein einziger Gefahrenherd“
Ein Interview mit dem Unrast- und GWR-Autor Gabriel Kuhn, dem die Einreise in die USA verweigert wird März 2010 |…