by Alyce SantoroTruthoutMarch 4th, 2014 Social geography is the study of how landscape, climate, and other features of a place shape…
Anarchy, Geography, and Modernity: A Glimpse into the Depth of Anarchism
by SashaEarth First! NewswireOctober 18th, 2014 A new edition of Elisée Reclus’s works, Anarchy, Geography, Modernity, edited by the illustrious…
Birth Work as Care Work: Stories from Activist Birth Communities: A Review
by Dr Denis Walsh This is a challenging and thought-provoking book, mostly coming out of the US context of the…
Birth Work as Care Work: A Review in SQUAT
by Angela AndersonSQUAT April 2016 Break out the tissues and breathe deeply. Alana Apfel imbues Birth Work As Care Work…
Birth Work as Care Work: A Review
by Holly ScuderoMay 13th, 2016 These days, more and more pregnant people are starting to spend time researching birth before…
Birth Work as Care Work: A Review & Interview on Motherworldly
by Karen HallMotherworldlyMay 30th, 2017 Birth Work as Care Work is an important introduction to the subject of intersectionality in…
Burn Collector on PMR
by Simon CzerwinskyiPolitical Media ReviewJanuary 1, 2011 The fractured nature of the zine dictates it be ingested in small doses.…
The xerox machine: printing press of the people
by Jackie Wang HTML Giant December 15, 2010 Karen Lillis is currently serializing a memoir about working at St. Mark’s…
Burn Collector Recommended on Boingboing
by Brian HeaterBoinboingFebruary 14th, 2013 A Dozen great zine anthologies Those with a moderate knowledge of this site (or, for…
Avec Nous, Dans la Rue: Pedagogy of Mobilization, University of the Streets
by Aziz Choudrywi: journal of mobile media [T]he world is our classroom, a place full of ideas and possibilities, and…