By Jenny Brown Labor Notes May 22, 2023 When the Amazon Labor Union first submitted union authorization cards, “we had…
Jenny Brown’s Blog
‘Birth Strike’ in Science & Society
By Ann Holder Science & Society Jenny Brown’s provocative Birth Strike examines the gulf in the United States between popular…
The Secret Agenda Behind the Abortion Crackdown
By Will Miller Social Justice Series Radical feminist and labor writer, Jenny Brown was a leader and plaintiff in the…
Breaking the Law to Win Abortion Rights (Part 2)
By Jenny Brown Convergence Magazine Publicly taking and distributing abortion pills will play a part in securing and deepening reproductive…
Breaking the Law to Win Abortion Rights (Part1)
By Jenny Brown Convergence Magazine Public defiance of bans on abortion and contraception helped bring them down. You can read…
Fighting for Abortion Rights, and How German Moguls came to Love Hitler
Behind the News July 7th, 2022 Jenny Brown of National Women’s Liberation (and author of Without Apology and Birth Strike) on the…
Who’s Afraid of the Lower Birth Rate?
By Jenny Brown Convergence Magazine January 19th, 2021 How our spontaneous “birth strike” can give us leverage to win universal…
Take Abortion Out of the Court’s Hands
By Jenny Brown Jacobin Abortion rights shouldn’t be at the mercy of the judiciary. We need federal legislation codifying Roe…
Jenny Brown on WPKN’s Between the Lines
Between the Lines In Texas Abortion Law Ruling Supreme Court Moves Closer to Overturning Roe v. Wade Jenny Brown, author,…
It’s Time for Abortion Rights Activists to Push a Federal Abortion Rights Law
By Jenny Brown Jacobin September 3rd, 2021 The Supreme Court is useless. Now is the perfect time for feminists to…