Paul Krassner

Paul Krassner

Paul Krassner published The Realist (1958-2001), but when People magazine labeled him “father of the underground press,” he immediately demanded a paternity test.  And when Life magazine published a favorable article about him, the FBI sent a poison-pen letter to the editor calling Krassner “a raving, unconfined nut.” “The FBI was right,” George Carlin responded. “This man is dangerous — and funny, and necessary.” While abortion was illegal, Krassner ran an underground referral service, and as an antiwar activist, he became a co-founder of the Yippies (Youth International Party).

Krassner’s one-person show won an award from the L.A. Weekly. He received an ACLU (Upton Sinclair) Award for dedication to freedom expression. At the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, he was inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame — “my ambition,” he claims, “since I was three years old.” He won a Playboy Award for satire and a Feminist Party Media Workshop Award for journalism. And in 2010 the Oakland branch of the writers organization PEN honored him with their Lifetime Achievement Award. “I’m very happy to receive this award,” he concluded in his acceptance speech, “and even happier that it wasn’t posthumous.”

Patty Hearst & The Twinkie Murders

Patty Hearst & The Twinkie Murders: A Tale of Two Trials

SKU: 9781629630380
Author: Paul Krassner
Publisher: PM Press/Outspoken Authors
ISBN: 9781629630380
Published: 10/2014
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 5.5 x 7.5
Page count: 128
Subjects: Satire/History-US


“Krassner is an expert at ferreting out hypocrisy and absurdism from the more solemn crannies of American culture.”
New York Times

“Krassner has the uncanny ability to alter your perceptions permanently.”
Los Angeles Times

“Krassner not only attacks establishment values; he attacks decency in general.”
—Harry Reasoner, ABC News

“The FBI was right—this man is dangerous—and funny, and necessary.”
—George Carlin

“As soon as we decided to create the Huffington Post, I knew I wanted Paul Krassner involved.”
—Arianna Huffington

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