Francis Dupuis-Déri is a professor of political science and a member of the Institut de recherches et d’études féministes at the Université du Québec à Montréal. He has been active in anarchist-leaning collectives in Quebec, France, and the United States. He is the author of several books on social movements, feminism, and anarchism.
Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs?: Anarchy in Action around the World
SKU: 9781604869491
Author: Francis Dupuis-Déri • Translated by Lazer Lederhendler
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604869491
Published: 9/2014
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 6 x 8
Page count: 224
Subjects: Politics-Anarchism/Politics-Activism
“A level-headed, carefully researched inquiry into a subject that reduces most pundits to foaming at the mouth.”
—CrimethInc. Writers’ Bloc
“Francis Dupuis-Déri’s discussion of Black Blocs is intimately
well-informed, truly international in scope, and up-to-the-minute. He
treats the complex issues surrounding the tactic with an admirable
balance of sympathy and sobriety. This book is the ideal antidote to the
misinformation spread by the establishment, its defenders, and its
false critics.”
—Uri Gordon, author of Anarchy Alive!
“Wearing black to mask their identities, the Black Bloc fights
injustice globally. Although little is known about these modern Zorros,
this book critically reveals their origins and prospects. I heartily
recommend it.”
—George Katsiaficas, author of The Subversion of Politics
“The richness, imaginativeness, and sheer learning of Francis
Dupuis-Déri’s work is stimulating and impressive. The whole book turns
on a fascinating blend of the rigorously analytical and the generously
imaginative. It was high time that it should be translated into English,
as this well-established anarchist classic will both delight and
—Andrej Grubacic, Professor of Anthropology and Social Change, California Institute of Integral Studies, and coauthor of Wobblies & Zapatistas
“Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs? is a measured, critical,
and persuasive defence of global protest actions. Against critics who
dismiss these as purposeless or who treat illegalism as a distraction to
the mainstream event, Dupuis-Déri highlights the effectiveness of the
Black Blocs decision-making processes and the considered politics of its
—Ruth Kinna, professor of politics, history, and international relations, Loughborough University, UK, and author of Anarchism: A Beginner’s Guide
Book Events
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- Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs Reviewed on Interface
- Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs Reviewed by Sprout Distro
- Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs? Anarchy in Action around the World: A Review
- Unmasking the Black Bloc: Who They Are, What They Do, How They Work
- How Black Blocs Have Changed Protest Movements around the World
- Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs?: Anarchy in Action Around the World: A Review