Erik Ruin is a printmaker, shadow-puppeteer, and occasional maker/editor of various publications, including the anthology Realizing the Impossible: Art against Authority (coedited with Josh MacPhee, AK Press, 2007). He frequently works collaboratively with other artists or activist campaigns, and has created imagery for urban farming and prison abolition groups. He is a founding member of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative and resides in Providence.
Paths toward Utopia: Graphic Explorations of Everyday Anarchism
SKU: 9781604865028
Authors: Cindy Milstein and Erik Ruin • Introduction: Josh MacPhee
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604865028
Published: 9/2012
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 6 x 8
Page count: 128
Subjects: Art-Graphic, Politics
“Writing-speaking differently is part of the struggle for the world
we want to create and are creating, a world that moves
against-and-beyond capitalism. These picture-essay-poems break the
existing world both in what they say and how they say it. A fabulous
—John Holloway, author of Crack Capitalism
“Paths toward Utopia combines beautiful art, crafted
insights, and exemplary stories to plant inspiring seeds of a better
future. What more could one ask for?”
—Michael Albert, author of Parecon: Life after Capitalism
“This remarkable book is inspiring and emboldening, allowing us to
see the contours of another world that is not only possible but already
in formation.”
—Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of Outlaw Woman: A Memoir of the War Years, 1960–1975
“Paths toward Utopia winds us through the political beliefs
we know in our hearts, but sometimes lose sight of. It grounds us,
embodies us, makes us feel wonder and see the beauty of the work we are
—Cindy Crabb, author of Doris zine
“This fine collection of graphic essays indicts a contemporary
failure of imagination, and restores utopian politics that does not
surrender to the drumbeat of everyday emergencies, tasks, and defeats.”
—Andrej Grubacic, author of Wobblies and Zapatistas
Book Events
february, 2025
No Events
- Sketching Anarchy: An Interview with Erik Ruin
- Paths toward Utopia: A Peace News Review
- Cindy Milstein and Erik Ruin Present Paths toward Utopia at the Baltimore Radical Bookfair Pavilion
- Why do we wait? On the revolutionary potential of death and grief.— Cindy Milstein on This is Hell
- Cindy Milstein on Collective Care, Grief, and How To Do Mutual Aid During A Pandemic— Mutual Aid on Lockdown
- Anarchy & the Rise of Mutual Aid with Cindy Milstein on the Unbroken Chain Podcast
- Cindy Milstein’s Paths toward Utopia on the Black Agenda Report
- Cindy Milstein and Erik Ruin Present Paths toward Utopia at the Baltimore Radical Bookfair Pavilion
- Why do we wait? On the revolutionary potential of death and grief.— Cindy Milstein on This is Hell
- Cindy Milstein on Collective Care, Grief, and How To Do Mutual Aid During A Pandemic— Mutual Aid on Lockdown
- Anarchy & the Rise of Mutual Aid with Cindy Milstein on the Unbroken Chain Podcast
- Cindy Milstein’s Paths toward Utopia on the Black Agenda Report