Clifton Ross is a freelance writer and videographer who has been reporting on revolutionary movements in Latin America for over 25 years. He has edited many anthologies including: A Dream Made of Stars: A Bilingual Anthology of Nicaraguan Poetry and Voice of Fire: Communiques and Interviews of the Zapatista National Liberation Army. He is the translator of Quetzalcoatl by Ernesto Cardenal and his poetry has been published in the U.K. and Venezuela. Ross currently teaches English at Berkeley City College, Berkeley, California
Listen to Clifton Ross on the book he co-edited with Marcy Rein, Until the Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social Movements, speaking at MonkeyWrench Books in Austin, TX on April 9th, 2014 adn broadcast on KOOP HERE.
Until the Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social Movements
SKU: 9781604867947
Editors: Clifton Ross and Marcy Rein • Foreword by Raúl Zibechi
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604867947
Published: 1/2014
Format: Paperback, ePub, mobi, PDF
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 528
Subjects: Politics-Social Movements/Latin America
“This is the book we’ve been waiting for. Anyone interested in the
explosion of social movements in Latin America—and the complex interplay
between those forces and the ‘Pink Tide’ governments—should inhale this
book immediately. Until the Rulers Obey gives us
country-specific context from a superb team of ‘introducers,’ who then
step aside so we can hear a chorus of voices from some of the most
inspiring grassroots organizations on the continent. This is a people’s
history in real time, bubbling up from below.”
—Avram David “Avi” Lewis, documentary filmmaker and former host of Al Jazeera English show Fault Lines and Naomi Klein, author of No Logo and Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
“Latin America is the last region in the world that still has a
vibrant Enlightenment left, which sets both the practical agenda in
terms of policy and the horizon in terms of utopia. This wonderfully
edited collection of analysis and first-person accounts shows why. It
assembles people who are both activists and analysts, who see no
difference between interpreting and changing the world. It deserves a
wide audience.”
—Greg Grandin, author of Empire’s Workshop and Fordlandia
“A new world is dawning in Latin America from the bottom up. This
book brings an all-star cast of scholar-activists together with social
movement and community leaders from throughout the region. The reader
will hear the clarion call for social justice from those who are on the
front lines of grassroots resistance and popular struggles in this age
of globalization, crisis, and transformation. These are the voices that
too often are suppressed by the powerful and the means of communication
they control. I cannot imagine a more important and timely volume for
scholars and activists who wish to understand the transformations that
are sweeping the sub-continent.”
—William I. Robinson, Professor of
Sociology, Global Studies, and Latin American Studies, University of
California at Santa Barbara, author of Latin America and Global Capitalism
“Until the Rulers Obey is a profoundly necessary book.
Little has been published about Latin America in the way of an overview
from 1989 to the present, even less in the voices of the protagonists
themselves. The great experiments of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s failed,
but new and in many cases less dogmatic approaches to social justice
have taken root in a number of countries south of the border. This book
explores those efforts, often in the words of the change-makers
themselves. Clifton Ross and Marcy Rein have done us a great service.
Read this book for access to what the U.S. corporate media still doesn’t
want us to know.”
—Margaret Randall, author of Sandino’s Daughters Revisited, When I Look Into the Mirror and See You, and Che on My Mind
“Until the Rulers Obey is the most exhaustive and
comprehensive work of primary source material from social movements in
Latin America to appear in English, presenting the testimony of the
brave women and men who have challenged the old leaders, and are serving
notice on the new aspirants to power that they can only rule
legitimately if they listen to the voices and demands of the people. In
addition to providing a report on the current state of popular
struggles, this anthology compiled by Clifton Ross and Marcy Rein will
also serve as a compendium for future writers and historians who want to
understand the social movements that transformed Latin America during
the early years of the new millennium.”
—Roger Burbach, co-author of Latin America’s Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First-Century Socialism
Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out (DVD)
SKU: 9781604860177
Director: Clifton Ross
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604860177
Published: 5/2008
UPC: 022891474098
Format: DVD (NTSC)
Length: 85 Minutes
Size: 5.5 x 7.5
Subjects: Documentary, Latin America
Venezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out is a voyage into Latin America’s most exciting experiment of the new millennium, exploring the history and projects of the Bolivarian Revolution through interviews with a range of its participants, from academics to farm workers and those living in the margins of Caracas. This introduction to the “revolución bonita” (“pretty revolution”) offers in-depth interviews, unforgettable images and a lively soundtrack that will open new vistas onto this hopeful human project.
Featuring: Dr. Steve Ellner, Universidad de Oriente, Puerto La Cruz; José Sant Roz, Universidad Socialista del Pueblo, Mérida; Jutta Schmitt, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida; Christene DeJong, Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley; Roger Burbach, Director of the Center for the Study of the Americas, Berkeley, CA.
Book Events
february, 2025
No Events
- Making the Rulers Obey
- Until the Rulers Obey: A review
- Until the Rulers Obey: A review on CeaseFire
- Venezuela: Revolution From the Inside Out in DVD Talk
- Venezuela: Revolution From the Inside Out in Profane Existence #58
- Venezuela: Revolution From the Inside Out in PMR
- Revolution from the Inside Out
- Until the Rulers Obey: A review on Upside Down World
- Until the Rulers Obey: A review on Anarchist Studies
- Until the Rulers Obey: A review by Staughton Lynd in Z Magazine
- Constitutions and Coups: The Honduras Case
- Dr Jekyll and Mr. Good Neighbor
- El Salvador: Fast Forward to the (19)80s
- From Tegucigalpa to El Paraiso: Curfew to State of Seige
- The Classroom at the End of the Occupation: A Report from the Sidelines of Oakland
- The New Realism: Voyage of an Epigraph from Paris to Oakland
- Elections in Venezuela: Did anyone notice?
- Swimming in Sumter Little Theatre
- To my Chavista Friends
- Venezuelan Enantiadromia: A Sequel