In the West Indies, C.L.R. James is honored as one of the fathers of independence. In Britain, he is feted as a historic pioneer of the Black movement. Generally regarded as one of the major figures in Pan-Africanism, and a leader in developing a current within Marxism that was democratic, revolutionary, and internationalist, James’s long life and impressive career played out in Trinidad, England, and America. For the last years of his life, he lived in south London and lectured widely on politics, Shakespeare, and other topics. He died there in 1989.
Modern Politics
SKU: 9781604863116
Author: C.L.R. James • Introduction by Noel Ignatiev
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604863116
Published: 10/2013
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 176
Subjects: Political Science, History
“When one looks back over the last twenty years to those men who were most far-sighted, who first began to tease out the muddle of ideology in our times, who were at the same time Marxists with a hard theoretical basis, and close students of society, humanists with a tremendous response to and understanding of human culture, Comrade James is one of the first one thinks of.” —E.P. Thompson
“C.L.R. James is one of those rare individuals whom history proves right.” —Race Today
“C.L.R. James has arguably had a greater influence on the underlying thinking of independence movements in the West Indies and Africa than any living man.” —Sunday Times
“It remains remarkable how far ahead of his time he was on so many issues.” —New Society
“C.L.R. James has a special place in the history of Third World revolutionary movements. He combines Caribbean nationalism, Black radicalism, a once Trotskyist blend of revolutionary anti-imperialism, and the European classic tradition in an individual and potent mix. A mine of richness and variety.” —Times Educational Supplement
State Capitalism and World Revolution
SKU: 9781604860924
Authors: C.L.R. James, Raya Dunayevskaya, and Grace Lee Boggs • Introduction by Paul Buhle • Preface by Martin Glaberman
Publisher: PM Press/Charles H. Kerr
ISBN: 9781604860924
Published: 9/2013
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 160
Subjects: History/Politics
“When one looks back over the last twenty years to those men who were
most far-sighted, who first began to tease out the muddle of ideology in
our times, who were at the same time Marxists with a hard theoretical
basis, and close students of society, humanists with a tremendous
response to and understanding of human culture, Comrade James is one of
the first one thinks of.” —E.P. Thompson
“C.L.R. James is one of those rare individuals whom history proves right.” —Race Today
“It remains remarkable how far ahead of his time he was on so many issues.” —New Society
A History of Pan-African Revolt
SKU: 9781604860955
Author: C.L.R. James • Introduction by Robin D.G. Kelley
Publisher: PM Press/The Charles H. Kerr Library
ISBN: 9781604860955
Published: 11/2012
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 8.5 x 5.5
Page count: 160
Subjects: History/Cultural Studies
“With beautifully rendered moments of Queer life, The Big Gay Alphabet Coloring Book
offers over fifty pages of inked and framed line drawings and
typography for folks of all ages, a tool for education and inspiration.”
—Cristy C. Road, author and illustrator of Spit and Passion
“Two of my favorite people in the world also happen to be among the
most talented. I will add it to my new-parent gift pack, alongside
Bunnell’s other coloring book projects.”
—Anne Elizabeth Moore, The Ladydrawers Comics Collective
“Jacinta and Leela have created a beautiful, fun coloring book which
teaches us that everyone is deserving of respect and understanding. I’m
only halfway into this thing and I’ve already gone through three tubes
of glitter!”
—Jon Wurster, Bob Mould Band

A New Notion: Two Works by C.L.R. James: “Every Cook Can Govern” and “The Invading Socialist Society”
SKU: 9781604860474
Author: C.L.R. James • Edited by Noel Ignatiev
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604860474
Published: 2/2010
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Page count: 160
Size: 8.5 x 5.5
Subjects: Politicial Science, Marxism, History
“It would take a person with great confidence, and good judgment, to select from the substantial writings of C.L.R. James just two items to represent the ‘principal themes’ in James’ life and thought. Fortunately, Noel Ignatiev is such a person. With a concise, but thorough introduction, Ignatiev sets the stage and C.L.R. James does the rest. In these often confusing times one way to keep one’s head on straight and to chart a clear path to the future is to engage the analytical methods and theoretical insights of C.L.R. James. What you hold in your hands is an excellent starting point.”
—John H. Bracey Jr., professor of African-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and co-editor of Strangers & Neighbors: Relations Between Blacks & Jews in the United States.
“C.L.R. James has arguably had a greater influence on the underlying thinking of independence movements in the West Indies and Africa than any living man.”
—Sunday Times
“It remains remarkable how far ahead of his time he was on so many issues.”
—New Society
Book Events
february, 2025
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- Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red— A Review
- A History of Pan-African Revolt in Black Agenda Report
- C.L.R. James’s A New Notion in Alternate Routes
- A History of Pan-African Revolt in the International Socialist Review
- A History of Pan-African Revolt: A Publishers Weekly Review
- C.L.R. James’s A New Notion in Radical Philosophy Review
- C.L.R. James’s Modern Politics in Marx and Philosophy
- A New Notion: Two Works by C.L.R. James
- What is Libertarian Socialism? An Anarchist-Marxist Dialogue
- Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red — A Libcom review