PM Press Blog, Raymond Craib's Blog

Starting from Scratch
Wednesday 7th of August, 2019

If you could start our society again from scratch, how sustainable would you make it? Would you build a new city at sea? Or develop a village in a valley? In this episode we look at two different ways some people are trying to start again. And how starting afresh doesn’t always mean leaving old problems behind.


Matthew Daly – Research Consultant, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney

John Talbott, – Project Director, Narara Ecovillage

Jazz Mozzi – Admin Officer, Narara Ecovillage

Karina Czapiewska – Co-founder Blue 21

Raymond B. Craib – Associate Professor in the Department of History, Cornell University

Scilla Sayer – Community member, Narara Ecovillage