
All We Have Is Each Other: Mutual Aid Shirt & Radical Books— Friends of PM Press Kickstarter

Join us to create and engage with radical ideas during these dark times with a monthly book subscription and a mutual aid shirt


For the past twelve years, we at PM Press have released over 500 books and other resources to educate, entertain, and inspire. We publish books as our modest contribution to the creation of a better world for all. Over the years, we have been able to get our radical literature to all walks of life. But we can’t do it alone.

These are exceptionally uncertain times. As you might imagine, indie publishers have taken a seriously good kicking, and it’s not going to get better anytime soon. Many spaces where we typically encounter and grapple with radical ideas—bookstores, libraries, schools and universities, bars, cafes, clubs, conferences, activist gatherings, and book fairs—have been or will be shut down for the foreseeable future. 

It is especially within such dark times that we fall back on some time-tested truths. Radical ideas and politics matter. We need to engage in acts of solidarity and mutual aid. We need to sustain the sources of vital information–alternative media and radical publishing–that will shape what sort of society we’ll live in following this crisis. 

Despite the challenges, we are in it for the long haul. Now more than ever, mutual aid networks, workers, and communities on the front lines as well as local bookstores and independent publishers need solidarity. By supporting this Kickstarter and becoming a new Friend of PM Press, you will play a significant role to help us get through these tough times and continue producing books so we can all work together to create a better world.

It’s time to read more books, liberate your mind, and demand the impossible. Join us!

*Any funds raised beyond our goal will help create more shirts, support the printing of more new releases, and get our books into more hands. Thank you!*

More about the Friends of PM Press program HERE