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In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives

From the authors of In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives: Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin, and Greg Albo.

Several websites have become integral to the daily assessment of events from a socialist perspective in North America. They are a source of ongoing commentary and an alternative to the economic analysis of the mainstream media. Centre for Economic and Policy Research at


Political Economy Research Institute at

Socialist Project at

Socialist Worker at

Z-net at

Against the Current at

Canadian Dimension at

Capitalism, Nature, Socialism at

  • Against the Current: is Solidarity’s bi-monthly analytical journal, and is a contribution to a broad discussion of a wide variety of issues among the Left. An in-depth analysis and a thorough review of issues is the norm for this magazine.
  • Amandla: is a new and exciting popular left monthly magazine launched in South Africa in April 2007 by Amandla Publishers.
  • Antipode – A Radical Journal of Geography: has been publishing radical thinking on the subjects of place, space, landscape, scale, environment, uneven development, boundaries and connections for nearly 40 years.
  • Cambridge Journal of Economics: founded in 1977 in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, provides a forum for theoretical, applied, policy and methodological research into social and economic issues.
  • Canadian Dimension Magazine: published 6 times per year, including 2 double issues. We are a magazine which shows there is an alternative to the corporate agenda and the dictates of the global market; that the dream of a better society is still alive. Founded in 1963 by Cy Gonick.
  • Capital and Class: provides a critique of global capitalism in the Marxist tradition, reaching out into the labour, trade union and other radical movements, such as anti-racism, environmentalism and feminism. Published three times a year, since 1977.
  • Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: leading international journal on ecological socialism.
  • China Left Review: a bilingual web-journal brought to you by the China Study Group.
  • CineAction: has been publishing continuously since 1985. We feature essays and reviews by film critics and scholars and we cover a wide range of filmmaking – classic and contemporary popular film, third world cinema, political documentary and experimental film and video.
  • Critical Sociology: publishes articles from all perspectives within a broad definition of critical or radical social science. The journal grew out of tumultuous times of the late 1960s.
  • Dollars & Sense: publishes economic news and analysis, reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the mainstream media’s coverage of the economy.
  • Feminist Economics: a peer-reviewed journal that provides an open forum for dialogue and debate about feminist economic perspectives.
  • Green Left Weekly: launched in 1990 by progressive activists to present the views excluded by the big business media, is now Australia’s leading source of local, national and international news, analysis, and discussion and debate to strengthen the anti-capitalist movements.
  • Historical Materialism: is a Marxist journal, appearing four times a year, based in London. Founded in 1997.
  • International Socialist Review: is published bimonthly by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change.
  • Journal of Post-Keynesian Eonomics: scholarly journal of innovative theoretical and empirical work that sheds fresh light on contemporary economic problems. It is committed to the principle that cumulative development of economic theory is only possible when the theory is continuously subjected to scrutiny in terms of its ability both to explain the real world and to provide a reliable guide to public policy.
  • Labor Notes: is a non-profit organization that has been the voice of union activists who want to “put the movement back in the labor movement” since 1979.
  • Labour, Capital and Society / Travail, capital et société: is an interdisciplinary, bilingual, refereed journal on labour issues concerning the regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East. It is published twice a year. Established in 1979.
  • Labour / Le travail: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies/Revue d’Études Ouvrières Canadiennes. (back issues online)
  • Latin American Perspectives: founded in 1974, is a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas.
  • Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal: a journal for the post Cold War left; a journal that rejects the Stalinist distortion of the socialist project; a journal that takes into account ecological questions; a journal that is taking steps to unify and bring together the forces for socialism in the world today; a journal that aspires to unite Marxists from different political traditions because it discusses openly and constructively. Founded 1994.
  • London Progressive Journal: is a UK-based weekly online magazine covering domestic and international current affairs from a left perspective. Founded 2008.
  • Monthly Review: began publication in New York City (May 1949), as cold war hysteria gathered force in the United States. The first issue featured the lead article “Why Socialism?” by Albert Einstein. And this is their web blog: MRZine.
  • New Labor Forum: provides a place for labor and its allies to test new ideas and debate old ones. Founded 1997.
  • New Left Review: established for forty years as a key journal of the international Left, NLR has been transformed since 2000 into a new resource for the new century. Founded 1960.
  • New Political Economy: interdisciplinary international journal founded 1996.
  • Presse-toi à gauche: Nous sommes un groupe de rédacteurs et rédactrices, d’auteurs et journalistes, de militants et militantes, de caricaturistes, graphistes et spécialistes en informatique, désireux de faire vivre au jour le jour une agora et une tribune pour la gauche en marche du Québec.
  • Race and Class: foremost English language journal on racism and imperialism in the world today – contains contributions from scientists, artists, novelists, journalists, politicians and black and Third World activists and scholars.
  • Radical America (1967-1999): was a product of the campus-based New Left of the late 1960s, specifically the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), but the magazine long outlived its seedbed. Its trajectory shows something about the effort to place an intellectual stamp on the radical impulses of the late twentieth century.
  • Radical Teacher: is an independent magazine for educational workers at all levels and in every kind of institution. The magazine focuses on critical teaching practice, the political economy of education, and institutional struggles.
  • Redwire Magazine: provides Native youth with an uncensored forum for discussion, in order to help youth find their own voice.
  • Research in Political Economy: Edited by Paul Zarembka, founded 1997.
  • Rethinking Marxism: engages and sustains critical conversations about the tremendous challenges and exciting opportunities facing Marxism and the global Left. Founded in 1988.
  • Review of International Political Economy: has successfully established itself as a leading international journal dedicated to the systematic exploration of the international political economy from a plurality of perspectives.
  • Science and Society: Published quarterly since 1936, Science & Society is the longest continuously published journal of Marxist scholarship, in any language, in the world.
  • Socialism and Democracy
  • Socialist Register: intellectual lodestone of the international left since 1964, was founded by Ralph Miliband and John Saville in London.
  • Socialist Studies: published by the Society for Socialist Studies, is peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary. The Society’s purpose is to facilitate and encourage research and analysis in Canada with emphasis on socialist, feminist, ecological, and anti-racist points of view. Launched in 2005.
  • Studies in Political Economy: is an interdisciplinary journal committed to the publication of original work in the various traditions of socialist political economy. Established in 1979.
  • Studies in Social Justice: dealing with the social, cultural, economic, political, and philosophical problems associated with the struggle for social justice.
  • Upping the Anti: is a radical journal of theory and action which provides a space to address and discuss unresolved questions and dynamics within the anti-capitalist, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialist politics of today’s radical left in Canada. Founded in 2005.

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