
Becoming the Media: A Review

Becoming the Media: A Critical History of Clamor Magazine

Profane Existence #58

Until I received this pamphlet/book for review, I hadn’t thought about the magazine Clamor in some years. I had an “oh yeah!” moment and was somewhat ashamed that I’d forgotten about it and it’s impact in the radical literary realm. I also realize that I remembered Jen Angels’ particular style of writing, so it was a treat to get my hands on this. In Becoming the Media, she gives a comprehensive analysis and critique of the beating heart that was Clamor magazine. We are taken on the magazine’s lifeline, from inception to adolescence to the growing organism (a business, staff, and other projects) and finally to it’s close. The writing is concise and informative and with much heart, which can be a rarity in analyses. She effortlessly braves what is essentially a self-criticism, sketching a blueprint for those interested or simply showing the bones of a project that worked. “…the real mission of activists and of Clamor is to help people realize their potential to effect positive change in the world, and to support the movement for social change. Clamor did that by empowering individuals/giving them a voice, and also by highlighting the many ways people were actively responding to injustice: by fighting back, resisting, and creating.” Pg.9 Definitely worth checking out.

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