NYC Anarchist Bookfair Collective
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Bluestockings Books in conjunction with the NYC Anarchist Bookfair and Left Forum
New York City
Discussion: Victoria Law “Resistance Behind Bars”
With Lynne Stewart, Ashanti Alston and Matt Meyer
Discussion and readings about incarceration and resistance. Ashanti Alston (former BLA member and Prisoner of War, current co-chair of the Jericho Movement) will read from his upcoming memoir. Victoria Law (author, Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women) will talk about issues facing incarcerated women and their resistance and individual organizing; Matt Meyer (editor of Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movement to Free Political Prisoners) and Lynne Stewart (attorney and contributor to Let Freedom Ring) will discuss the movement to free political prisoners in the U.S.
info about Resistance Behind Bars and current organizing around incarcerated women’s issues:
link to the book Let Freedom Ring:
National Jericho Movement to free all political prisoners:
Lynne Stewart support site:
Anarchist Panther:
Bluestockings Bookstore:
For info about the upcoming 2011 NYC Anarchist Bookfair (9 April) see:
To contact the NYC Anarchist Book Fair organizing collective to volunteer, submit workshop and tabling applications, make a donation, or get more information, email us at info[at]anarchistbookfair[dot]net
More NYC Anarchist Book Fair archives can be found at
Vikki Law is a writer, mother, and photographer. Since 2002, she has worked with women incarcerated nationwide to produce Tenacious: Art and Writings from Women in Prison. Her writings have appeared in Hip Mama, off our backs, make/shift magazine and Left Turn. Her new book, Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women is the culmination of eight years of research, writing and listening to the stories of women incarcerated nationwide.

Matt Meyer is an educator-activist, based in New York City. Founding PJSA Co-Chair along with USF Dean Jennifer Turpin, Meyer has long worked to bring together academics and activists for lasting social change. A former public draft registration resister and chair of the War Resisters League, he continues to serve as convener of the War Resisters International Africa Working Group. With Bill Sutherland, Meyer authored Guns and Gandhi in Africa: Pan-African Insights on Nonviolence, Armed Struggle and Liberation. He has edited the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s “Puerto Rico: The Cost of Colonialism;” War in Africa and an African Peace; and the forthcoming two-volume Seeds of New Hope: African Peace Studies for the 21st Century.