By Nancy Churnin
Dallas Moms blog
The Dallas Morning News
October 28, 2009
Here’s one book I wish I’d had during the dark days after learning my daughter has autism.
My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities (PM Press, $20) is an anthology of first-person stories from parents about children facing an array of physical and intellectual challenges. Edited by Yantra Bertelli, Jennifer Silverman and Sarah Talbot, the book features real voices–mostly moms–about everything from the heartbreak of the diagnosis to the triumph in watching a child master a seemingly simple task to pragmatic advice like how to set up a Special Needs Trust.
At its best, the book reads like a conversation with a loyal friend. Like a confidant, My Baby Rides the Short Bus made me wince and ache with its honest take on difficult situations. You want to throw your arms around some of these moms. With others, you’ll decide to borrow their playbook. Quite honestly, a few of these mothers have handled certain situations a lot better than I did.
Meet an editor and one of the contributors this Friday. On Oct. 30 at 7 p.m., Jennifer Silverman will appear with writer Robert Rummel-Hudson at Legacy Books, 7300 Dallas Parkway, Suite A120 in Plano (972-398-9888 or
For more on the book, visit
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