by Cathy GreenSF Revu Send My Love And a Molotov Cocktail!, a recently published short fiction anthology from PM Press,…
Sara Paretsky
Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail! in Briarpatch Magazine
By Yutaka DirksBriarpatch MagazineMay 31, 2012 PM Press was founded in 2007 by former members of the anarchist publisher AK…
The Revolution Will Be Fictionalized: Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail! in Tor
by Stefan RaetsTor.comNovember 14, 2011 Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail! is a cross-genre anthology of stories themed around…
Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail! on City Book Review
by Glenn DallasCity Book ReviewApril 4, 2012 The spirit of revolution is alive and well within the pages of Send…
Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail!: A Mystery Gazette Review
by Harriet KlausnerThe Mystery Gazette December 12, 2011 This eighteen story anthology pulls no punches or switchblades as the compilation…
Radical Noir: 26 Activist Crime Novels: Revolutionaries, Agitators, and Organizers in Crime Fiction
Crime ReadsMay 1st, 2018 This may be the strangest item on this list, given this short story collection’s…variable…subject matter. Part…
Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail!: A Review
by John Koeingjohnkoeing.squarespaces.comNovember 23rd, 2011 Great book title, one that will help this book be placed cover facing out on…
Send My Love and a Molotov Cocktail! in Publishers Weekly
Publishers WeeklyNovember 28th, 2011 The 18 mostly original stories in this thought-provoking crime anthology offer gritty testament to the violence,…