by Steven GrayLitSeen Mar 5, 2013 ‘In May of 1968 there were massive protests in France. They are often characterized…
‘The Living Spirit of Revolt: the Infrapolitics of Anarchism’: Book Review
by John L MurphySlugger O’tooleMay 4th, 2014 How can anarchism get beyond marginalized impacts, finicky theorists, and squabbling activists? A…
Between Earth and Empire in Foreword Reviews
By Barry SilversteinForeword ReviewsJuly/August 2019 John P. Clark’s Between Earth and Empire is an expansive work that considers the broad…
Kropotkin: The Politics of Community: A Review
By Eve Ottenberghttp://www.eveottenberg.comAugust 2018 Anarchists have a bad reputation. Historically they are associated with terrorism, bomb-throwing, assassinations and the wild…