by David KriegerNuclear Age Peace FoundationSeptember 11th, 2015 I recently read this impressive autobiography by nonviolent activist David Hartsough, which…
Joyce Hollyday
Waging Peace: A Review in National Catholic Reporter
By Martha HennessyNational Catholic ReporterMarch 16th, 2016 David Hartsough has given us a remarkable story of his life as a…
Talk Nation Radio: Waging Peace with David Hartsough
Before It’s NewsJune 16th, 2015 David Hartsough is the author, with Joyce Hollyday, of Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a…
Waging Peace: A Review in Catholic Worker NYC
By Patrick Jordan Catholic Worker, NYC March 2015 If Ammon Hennacy were around to update his 1970 posthumously published The One-Man Revolution…
More Praise for David Gilbert
“David Gilbert’s story is a tale of consciousness, counterculture, and action during the generation of revolution, love, and hope. A…
Watch David Hartsough’s 2014 Salem Peace Lecture
David Hartsough, co-founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce, will be the featured speaker. His topic will be “Waging Peace: Global Adventures of…
Watch David Hartsough Talking on Waging Peace
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Giants on the Earth: A Review of Waging Peace by David Hartsough
By Winslow There were giants on the earth in those days . . . (Genesis 6:4) The fear that…
The Ordinary, Extraordinary Life of David Hartsough
By Ken ButiganWaging NonViolenceNovember 12th, 2014 Years ago, my friend Anne Symens-Bucher would regularly punctuate our organizing meetings with a…
Waging Peace in Friends Journal
By Robert DockhornFriends Journal April 2015 When David Hartsough was seven years old and living in Gilman, Iowa, he was…