By Kris HermesJacobin MagazineJuly 19th, 2016 Inside the police’s playbook for repressing protests at national conventions. Police dogs at the…
Rational Actors
By Jenny BrownJacobin In the United States, women face the prospect of becoming mothers without necessary social protections. Many decide…
FDA Investigates Feminist Abortion Pill Site Aid Access
As U.S. states restrict abortion, more people are going online to get abortion pills. For years, the Netherlands-based feminist organization Women…
Rational Actors: Birth Strike excerpt Jacobin
By Jenny BrownJacobin White, black, and Latina, immigrant and native born, US women are having fewer children — by some measures,…
Against Carceral Feminism, Victoria Law on Jacobin Magazine
By Victoria LawJacobin Magazine Relying on state violence to curb domestic violence only ends up harming the most marginalized women.…
There’s Still Power in a Strike
By Jeremy BrecherOriginally posted on JacobinApril 24th, 2019 If workers refuse to work, the bosses can’t produce anything. If soldiers…
“We’re Gonna Shut This Place Down”
by Jarrod ShanahanJacobinFebruary 28th, 2019 David Ranney was part of the wave of US socialists who went into factories in…
Not in Labor: Birth Strike in Jacobin
by Liza FeatherstoneJacobinApril 23rd, 2019 An interview with Jenny Brown With meager public support for parents, US women are having…