By Lee Camp Scheerpost February 20th, 2022 This past weekend I was sitting in my hot tub that’s really just…
Lee Camp’s Blog
The Four Layers of Reality — and Why We’re Only Allowed to Talk About One
There are at least four different aspects of our daily American lives that affect everything from how we think to…
Julian Assange’s Father, John Shipton, on the U.S. Government’s ‘Scandalous’ Plan to ‘Murder’ His Son
By Lee Camp Scheerpost October 12th, 2021 One of the biggest moments in Julian Assange’s trial is slated to happen…
How Chevron Used the Legal System and the FBI to Target Whistle-Blowing Lawyer Steven Donziger
Forget China-bashing conspiracy theories, let’s look at the fogging of SF, the microbial attack on the NYC subway and other…
America’s Impressive History of Bioweapons Attacks Against Its Own People
Forget China-bashing conspiracy theories, let’s look at the fogging of SF, the microbial attack on the NYC subway and other…
How to End the U.S. Prison State Quick and Easy
2.3 million people find themselves behind bars in the U.S. Here’s the quick way to get that number down to……
13 Facts About American Prisons That Will Blow Your Mind
The U.S. prison system is a crime against humanity. Here are just some of the reasons why. By Lee Camp…
The CIA Has Been Taking Over for Decades—Even Former Presidents Tried to Warn Us
Corporations like General Mills and ExxonMobil aren’t going to save us from white supremacist violence or climate annihilation with their…
How Corporate America Supports Racism, Hatred & Exploitation (in New & Fun Ways!)
Corporations like General Mills and ExxonMobil aren’t going to save us from white supremacist violence or climate annihilation with their…
Why Biden’s Choice to Bomb Outer Space Is So Damn Exciting
At a time of unprecedented crises, what Americans and the world needs most is obviously another arena for humans to…