Taylor Stoehr

Taylor Stoehr

Taylor Stoehr, Paul Goodman’s friend and literary executor, has edited many volumes of his fiction, poetry, and social commentary. He has published numerous studies of Goodman’s writings on community planning, media, literature, psychotherapy, and radical politics; and his book Here Now Next tells the story of how today’s widespread Gestalt movement grew out of cross-fertilizing conversations between Goodman, the theorist, and Fritz and Lore Perls the practitioners, of a daring new therapeutic experiment. A professor of English at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, Stoehr is also the author of half a dozen other books of literary and cultural criticism, and translator of two collections of poetry.

Drawing the Line Once Again: Paul Goodman’s Anarchist Writings

Drawing the Line Once Again: Paul Goodman’s Anarchist Writings

SKU: 9781604860573
Author: Paul Goodman • Edited by Taylor Stoehr
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604860573
Published: July 2010
Format: Paperback
Page count: 128
Size: 9 x 6
Subjects: Essays, Political Science


 “Paul Goodman has been one of the few integrated and hence liberated people of our age… He may well have been the only truly seminal libertarian thinker in our generation.”
—George Woodcock, historian of anarchism

“Paul Goodman brought a new invigorating stream into American anarchism, simply through his insistence that in all the problems of daily life we are faced with the possibility of choice between authoritarian and libertarian solutions. Taylor Stoehr’s sympathetic editing introduces Goodman’s social criticism to a new generation.”
—Colin Ward, community planner and public intellectual

“When I get confused about what is happening and what to do about it, I miss Paul’s eager and perceptive counsel… The important thing about Paul is that he raises the right questions. The fact that most of his answers are brilliant gives the reader an extra bonus.”
—Dave Dellinger, peace activist and founder of Liberation magazine

“The core of Goodman’s politics was his definition of anarchism…look not to the state for solutions but discover them for yourselves… He most passionately believed that man must not commit treason against himself, whatever the state—capitalist, socialist, et al—commands.”
—Nat Hentoff, The Village Voice

The Paul Goodman Reader

The Paul Goodman Reader

SKU: 9781604860580
Author: Paul Goodman • Edited by Taylor Stoehr
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604860580
Published: 2/2011
Format: Paperback
Page count: 488
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Subjects: Politics, Literature


“It was that voice of his that seduced me–that direct, cranky, egotistical, generous American voice… Paul Goodman’s voice touched everything he wrote about with intensity, interest, and his own terribly appealing sureness and awkwardness… It was his voice, that is to say, his intelligence and the poetry of his intelligence incarnated, which kept me a loyal and passionate fan.”
—Susan Sontag, novelist and public intellectual

“Goodman, like all real novelists, is, at bottom, a moralist. What really interests him are the various ways in which human beings living in a modern metropolis gain, keep or lose their integrity and sense of selfhood.”
–-W. H. Auden, poet

“Any page by Paul Goodman will give you not only originality and brilliance but wisdom, that is, something to think about. He is our peculiar, urban, twentieth-century Thoreau, the quintessential American mind of our time.”
—Hayden Carruth, poet and essayist

“No one writing now in America makes better sense of literary subjects. His ability to combine linguistic criticism, politics, a version of the nature of man, anthropology, the history of philosophy, and autobiographical testament with literary analysis, and to make a closely woven fabric of argument, seems magical.”
—Robert Meredith, The Nation

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