Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff grew up in Gujarat, India and came to the United States in 1964 to attend college in New York. Shanta moved to San Francisco in 1973, where she became active in the Food Conspiracy, an organization of food buying clubs. Shanta later became a founding member of The San Francisco Bay Area’s Peoples Food System, a grass roots movement of a fair food distribution that created several food distributing venues and community store fronts. She is currently a co-owner of Other Avenues, a worker-owned food cooperative in San Francisco’s Sunset District. Shanta is the author of two cookbooks, The Ethnic Vegetarian Kitchen and Flavors of India. The latter is now in its seventh printing. Shanta writes articles about food, nutrition and cooking for India Currents and other publications. Shanta also teaches vegetarian cooking classes. She lives with her family in San Francisco.
Other Avenues Are Possible: Legacy of the People’s Food System of the San Francisco Bay Area
SKU: 9781629632322
Author: Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629632322
Published: 10/2016
Format: Paperback
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 200
Subjects: History-San Francisco/Food-Natural Food
“In this book, Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff inspires us all by recounting
how cooperation created other avenues for workers and consumers by
developing a food system that not only promoted healthy food but wove
within it practices that respect workers and the environment.”
—E. Kim Coontz, executive director, California Center for Cooperative Development
“I have been waiting more than twenty years for this book! Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff’s Other Avenues Are Possible details the history of the People’s Food System, a grand experiment in combining good food and workplace democracy. Other Avenues
answers many of my questions about how the food politics of the Bay
Area developed and points the way towards a better—and more
cooperative—future. A must-read for anyone who eats food.”
—Gordon Edgar, author of Cheesemonger: A Life on the Wedge and a worker owner of Rainbow Grocery Cooperative
“Anyone who cares about progressive social change should ponder the history of the Bay Area food co-op movement of the 1970s.”
—John Curl, author of For All the People:Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America
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- The Food We Eat: Other Avenues in India Currents
- Other Avenues: A Review
- Other Avenues Are Possible in Slingshot Magazine
- Cooperators Then and Now: Other Avenues in The Progressive Populist