Raymond Craib teaches in the Department of History at Cornell University. A Latin Americanist by training, his research interests lie at the intersection of geography, politics, and everyday practice. He is the author most recently of Adventure Capitalism: A History of Libertarian Exit, from the Era of Decolonization to the Digital Age (PM/Spectre, 2022). His other works include The Cry of the Renegade: Politics and Poetry in Interwar Chile (Oxford Univ. Press, 2017); Cartographic Mexico: A History of State Fixations and Fugitive Landscapes (Duke Univ. Press, 2004); and, with Barry Maxwell, No Gods No Masters No Peripheries: Global Anarchisms (PM Press, 2015). For more information see https://history.cornell.edu/raymond-b-craib and/or on twitter: @raycraib

Adventure Capitalism: A History of Libertarian Exit, from the Era of Decolonization to the Digital Age
SKU: 9781629639178
Author: Raymond Craib
Series: PM Press/Spectre
ISBN: 9781629639178
Published: 7/5/2022
Format: Paperback
Size: 6×9
Pages: 304
Subjects: Political Science / Libertarianism / Capitalism / Political Economy
“The libertarian quest for ‘land no one is using’ inevitably finds ‘land that is used by all,’ and the ugly conflation of the two sends the champions of personal liberty in search of guns, indentured servants, and death squads.”
—Cory Doctorow
“They don’t like hobbles and they can’t stand fences, and so today’s libertarian frontiersmen are looking for land, lots of land, perhaps in New Zealand. Or maybe they’ll jet to Mars, build cities in the thick of Honduras or string barges together and create a floating republic, anything to avoid regulations, laws, and oversights. Ray Craib’s brilliant Adventure Capitalism is a fascinating story of some spectacular fiascos, but it also makes a more profound point: there does exist a class of super-billionaires so rich they’d rather leave the world in ruins than admit humans are social beings and our survival requires recognition that we need each other.”
—Greg Grandin
“Of the many fine histories of the rise of Neoliberalism and class war from above, this is the most remarkable—an astonishing story of the global misadventures of Michael Oliver and other modern freebooters as they seek to establish their own Fantasy Islands from the Caribbean to the South Seas. The book tracks a half-century of disaffected capitalists seeking exit from civilized society, from Old Money in revolt against the 1960s to Silicon Valley’s Seasteading Institute. Along the way, it makes the malignant ideas of today’s Libertarians manifest in a way that no exegesis of von Hayek or Ayn Rand can do, unpacking a gruesome geography of land grabs, mercenary uprisings and secessionist plots where the dreams of billionaire investors become the nightmares of postcolonial people and places. If you don’t care for Libertarian ideas before you read this book, you will surely despise them by the end, while gaining a better grasp of the fundamental misanthropy that animates the right wing of the capitalist class.”
—Richard Walker, author of Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area
“Some want to change the world, others to flee it. Raymond Craib has written a rich, fascinating account of the libertarians, gold hoarders, soldiers of fortune, coup plotters, and tech bros who’ve sought to realize free-market fantasies by seceding to small islands. It’s an offbeat, quirky history—until you realize how many of the hyper-rich share this escapist dream, and what that means for those of us without our own islands.”
—Daniel Immerwahr, author of How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States
“Adventure Capitalism is a masterpiece of historical excavation into libertarian dreams of a brave new unfree world. Raymond Craib brilliantly combines the historian’s craft with the seductive imaginative force of sci-fi, minting the genre of history noir. His vivid prose takes us on a chilling journey where anarchists, libertarians, con-men, CIA agents, marine biologists and economists come together in their ragtag efforts to exit state regulation through a spurious subversion of the idea of freedom. Starting with the New Deal, we hop from private archipelagoes, floating sea condos, rafts in the high seas and end up in the harsh reality of Innovation Zones. These fantastical stories—the stuff of sci-fi that Craib unearths—reveal the modern American state for what it is: the nightwatchman serving capitalist adventurers on the brink of colonizing Mars.”
—Debjani Bhattacharyya, author of Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta: The Making of Calcutta
“To leave behind the ‘system’ and build independent societies based on your own convictions—which radicals aren’t enticed by the idea? Yet, as Raymond Craib shows in this highly informative and entertaining work, it is far from glorious when the driving force is a narrow-minded concept of individual liberty rather than the well-being of the people. The ‘exit strategies’ collected here are equally fascinating and frightening. They also help us understand how free-market secessionists and gung-ho libertarians are only the most extreme expressions of neoliberal hegemony.”
—Gabriel Kuhn, author of Life Under the Jolly Roger: Reflections on Golden Age Piracy
“Adventure Capitalism is an engaging and exciting book that explores contentious ideals of individualism and concepts of freedom in the most illuminating ways. Craib stunningly shows how ‘exit libertarians,’ while striving for ultimate liberation, offer a particularly constrained version of liberty. This study brings together a look at how autonomy is forged in the context of the welfare state, neoliberalism, sovereignty, engineering, political ecology, political economy, geo-politics, colonialism and decolonization in Oceania and the Caribbean—all presented as global history. The book is a major feat!”
—J. K_haulani Kauanui, author of Paradoxes of Hawaiian Sovereignty: Land, Sex, and the Colonial Politics of State Nationalism
“In this highly-readable, well-researched, and original book Raymond Craib deftly maps the pathological history of the far-right libertarian imagination of escape. His character sketches and intellectual history keep the reader grounded even as the crackpot protagonists drift away into fantasy. Their anti-statist, anti-social, anti-ecological quest for ‘exit’ mirrors the logic of cancer or mental illness. Their experiments grow only to die. In these tales of delusion, we see a truly despicable cast of class elites and free market fanatics attempt to live the logic of value in motion: all barriers—physical, political, and social—must give way. And when they do, failure awaits.
—Christian Parenti, Professor of Economics, John Jay College, CUNY; author of Radical Hamilton: Economic Lessons from a Misunderstood Founder
“Ray Craib offers a rare glimpse into a dystopic and experimented future in which the capitalist nation-state born of chaos, conflict and centralized control is gutted not of its oligarchies, enclosures, and colonization schemes, but of its spectrum of popular resistance and utopias of collective emancipation. His nuanced global mapping of libertarian escape fantasies and models of privatized fiefdom follows a plethora of wealthy iconoclasts, political castaways, and wayward idealists whose convoluted exit strategies and sovereignty schemes are enabled by the very powers of empire, disenfranchisement, and military force that their libertarian designs of individual freedom claim to abhor.”
—Geoffroy de Laforcade
No Gods, No Masters, No Peripheries: Global Anarchisms
SKU: 9781629630984
Editors: Raymond Craib and Barry Maxwell
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629630984
Published: 6/2015
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 408
Subjects: Politics-Anarchism
“Broad in scope, generously ecumenical in outlook, bold in its
attempt to tease apart the many threads and tensions of anarchism, this
collection defies borders and category. These illuminating explorations
in pan-anarchism provide a much-needed antidote to the myopic
characterizations that bedevil the red and black.”
—Sasha Lilley, author of Capital and Its Discontents
“This wonderful collection challenges the privileging of Europe as
the original and natural laboratory in which anti-statist ideas
developed as well as the belief that anarchism and Communism could not
intersect in fruitful ways. Drawing on non-Western locations (from Latin
America, the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia) its authors
demonstrate how antiauthoritarian movements engaged with both local and
global currents to construct a new emancipatory politics—proving that
anarchy and anarchism have always been global.”
—Barry Carr, La Trobe University
“This magnificent collection of essays coincides with an awakening of
interest in global anarchism. A quirky, exciting, and imaginative
collection, No Gods, No Masters, No Peripheries is bound to become a cornerstone of reference for activists and academics.”
—Andrej Grubacic, chair of the Anthropology and Social Change Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies
“Ranging from Kabylie to Oakland, Cairo to Peru, and across the
uneven span of a century and a half, these essays register an ongoing
and collective effort to deprovincialise our image of anarchism—a
movement long buried in cliché and caricature by friends and enemies
alike. In these pages, the reader will encounter some of the ways in
which the dreams of the dead might dispel the nightmares that continue
to plague the brains of the living.”
—Alberto Toscano, Reader in Critical Theory, Goldsmiths, University of London
Book Events
february, 2025
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- Neocolonialismo anarco-capitalista
- Meet Me in the Eternal City
- Capitalismo de aventura
- Liberty Elsewhere: Exiting Elites against the Messy Multitudes
- Elite Escape: On Raymond B. Craib’s “Adventure Capitalism”
- Dave Troy Presents— Libertarian Exit with Raymond Craib
- The Myth of Libertarian Exit. Raymond Craib’s new book, Adventure Capitalism, traces the history of individualist, property-oriented “escape” projects pursued by the likes of Michael Oliver, Peter Thiel, and Bitcoin bros.
- Adventure Capitalism: A Review by Cory Doctorow
- No Gods, No Masters, No Peripheries: Global Anarchisms in AAG Review of Books
- No Gods, No Masters, No Peripheries: Global Anarchisms in Antipode
- Raymond Craib talks about Adventure Capitalism in The Anti-Dystopians
- Libertarian Exit Strategy, with Raymond B. Craig
- Overthrowing The Network State: Colonize the Memes, the Narratives, and the Land
- The History Of Libertarian Attempts At A Brave New World w/ Raymond Craib
- Raymond Craib talks about Adventure Capitalism in The Anti-Dystopians
- Privatized Utopia: Raymond Craib in conversation with Sasha Lilley
- Raymond Craib on Against the Grain
- Raymond Craib on Final Straw Radio Podcast
- Think twice before founding that free-market utopia
- The Inequality of Freedom— Watch Raymond Craib @ the BYU Kennedy Center
- Redacted Island 2. Supersociety Outlaws w/ Raymond Craib
- Adventure Capitalism: Exit, Stage Right
- Neocolonialismo anarco-capitalista
- Meet Me in the Eternal City
- Capitalismo de aventura
- Liberty Elsewhere: Exiting Elites against the Messy Multitudes
- The enduring appeal of remote Pacific islands for rich apocalypse preppers
- Raymond Craib and Adventure Capitalism on The Dissenter
- Raymond Craib talks about Adventure Capitalism in The Anti-Dystopians
- Libertarian Exit Strategy, with Raymond B. Craig