Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

Chomsky has written and lectured widely on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, contemporary issues, international affairs and U.S. foreign policy. His works include: Aspects of the Theory of Syntax; Cartesian Linguistics; Sound Pattern of English (with Morris Halle); Language and Mind; American Power and the New Mandarins; At War with Asia; For Reasons of State; Peace in the Middle East?; Reflections on Language; The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I and II (with Edward S. Herman); Rules and Representations; Lectures on Government and Binding; Towards a New Cold War; Radical Priorities; Fateful Triangle; Knowledge of Language; Turning the Tide; Pirates and Emperors; On Power and Ideology; Language and Problems of Knowledge; The Culture of Terrorism; Manufacturing Consent (with E.S. Herman); Necessary Illusions; Deterring Democracy; Year 501; Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War and US Political Culture; Letters from Lexington; World Orders, Old and New; The Minimalist Program; Powers and Prospects; The Common Good; Profit over People; The New Military Humanism; New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind; Rogue States; A New Generation Draws the Line; 9-11Understanding Power; Hegemony or Survival; Failed States; Who Rules the World?; and Requiem for the American Dream.

A New World in Our Hearts
Taming the Rascal Multitude: Essays, Interviews, and Lectures 1997–2014
Between Thought and Expression Lies a Lifetime: Why Ideas Matter
Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution
The Mafia Principle of Global Hegemony (DVD): The Middle East, Empire, and Activism
Theory and Practice: Conversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn (DVD)
Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours (Noam Chomsky DVD)
The Mafia Principle of Global Hegemony (CD): The Middle East, Empire, and Activism
Iraq: The Forever War (Compact Disc)
Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours (Noam Chomsky CD)
A New World in Our Hearts

A New World in Our Hearts

SKU: 9781629638683
Author: Noam Chomsky • Editor: Michael Albert
Series: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629638683/9781629638690
Published: 9/2021
Format: Paperback
Size: 6×9
Pages: 160
Subjects: Political Science/Commentary & Opinion


“Chomsky is a global phenomenon. . . . He may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet.”
New York Times Book Review

“For anyone wanting to find out more about the world we live in . . . there is one simple answer: read Noam Chomsky.”
New Statesman

“With relentless logic, Chomsky bids us to listen closely to what our leaders tell us—and to discern what they are leaving out. . . . Agree with him or not, we lose out by not listening.”

“Chomsky remains the thinker who shaped a generation, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.”
—Sarah Jaffe, author of Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt

“Noam Chomsky is the world’s most humane, philosophically sophisticated, and knowledgeable public intellectual.”
—Richard Falk, Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University

Taming the Rascal Multitude: Essays, Interviews, and Lectures 1997–2014

Taming the Rascal Multitude: Essays, Interviews, and Lectures 1997–2014

SKU: 9781629638782
Author: Noam Chomsky • Afterword: Michael Albert • Editor: Lydia Sargent • Foreword: Andrej Grubacic
Series: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629638782/9781629638799
Published: 10/2021
Format: Paperback/Hardcover
Size: 6×9
Pages: 448
Subjects: Political Science/Commentary & Opinion


“Chomsky is a global phenomenon. . . . He may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet.”
New York Times Book Review

“For anyone wanting to find out more about the world we live in . . . there is one simple answer: read Noam Chomsky.”
New Statesman

“With relentless logic, Chomsky bids us to listen closely to what our leaders tell us—and to discern what they are leaving out. . . . Agree with him or not, we lose out by not listening.”

“Chomsky remains the thinker who shaped a generation, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.”
—Sarah Jaffe, author of Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt

“Noam Chomsky is the world’s most humane, philosophically sophisticated, and knowledgeable public intellectual. “
—Richard Falk, professor of international law emeritus, Princeton University

Between Thought and Expression Lies a Lifetime: Why Ideas Matter

Why Ideas Matter: Essays, Correspondence, and Interviews

SKU: 9781629638805
Author: James Kelman & Noam Chomsky
Series: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629638805/9781629638867
Published: 10/2021
Format: Paperback/Hardcover
Size: 5×8
Pages: 224
Subjects: Political Science/Commentary & Opinion


“The real reason Kelman, despite his stature and reputation, remains something of a literary outsider is not, I suspect, so much that great, radical Modernist writers aren’t supposed to come from working-class Glasgow, as that great, radical Modernist writers are supposed to be dead. Dead, and wrapped up in a Penguin Classic: that’s when it’s safe to regret that their work was underappreciated or misunderstood (or how little they were paid) in their lifetimes. You can write what you like about Beckett or Kafka and know they’re not going to come round and tell you you’re talking nonsense, or confound your expectations with a new work. Kelman is still alive, still writing great books, climbing.”
—James Meek, London Review of Books

“A true original . . . A real artist. . . . It’s now very difficult to see which of his peers can seriously be ranked alongside [Kelman] without ironic eyebrows being raised.”
—Irvine Welsh, Guardian

“Probably the most influential novelist of the post-war period.”
The Times

“Kelman has the knack, maybe more than anyone since Joyce, of fixing in his writing the lyricism of ordinary people’s speech . . . Pure aesthete, undaunted democrat—somehow Kelman manages to reconcile his two halves.”
Esquire (London)

“Kelman has always been a true and honest writer; which is why he is one of the fairly few who really matter.”

Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution

Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution

SKU: 9781629634425
Author: Noam Chomsky • Edited by Davor Džalto • Preface by Andrej Grubačić
Published: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629634425
Published: 4/2018
Format: Paperback, ePub, mobi, PDF
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 240
Subjects: Politics / History-Europe


“For anyone wanting to find out more about the world we live in . . . there is one simple answer: read Noam Chomsky.”
New Statesman

“With relentless logic, Chomsky bids us to listen closely to what our leaders tell us—and to discern what they are leaving out. . . . Agree with him or not, we lose out by not listening.”

The Mafia Principle of Global Hegemony (DVD): The Middle East, Empire, and Activism

The Mafia Principle of Global Hegemony (DVD): The Middle East, Empire, and Activism

SKU: 9781604863031
Author: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604863031
Published: 9/2010
UPC: 760137497493
Format: DVD (NTSC)
Size: 5.5 x 7.5
Length: 140 Minutes
Subjects: Current Events, Politics


“Chomsky is a global phenomenon… perhaps the most widely read voice on foreign policy on the planet.”
New York Times Book Review

“One of the greatest, most radical public thinkers of our time. When the sun sets on the American empire, as it will, as it must, Noam Chomsky’s work will survive.”
—Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things

The Mafia Principle of Global Hegemony (CD): The Middle East, Empire, and Activism

The Mafia Principle of Global Hegemony (CD): The Middle East, Empire, and Activism

SKU: 9781604863048
Author: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: PM Press and Trade Root Music
ISBN: 9781604863048
Published: 9/2010
UPC: 877746001529
Format: Audio CD
Size: 5.5 x 5.5
Length: 70 Minutes
Subjects: Current Events, Politics


The world’s most influential living intellectual, Noam Chomsky, holds forth on the root causes of the conflicts in the Middle East and talks about hopes for future social change. The renowned foreign policy critic and linguist brings the full force of his rapier-like mind and deadpan wit to bear in slicing through mainstream misconceptions—many of them intentional—about the internal and external politics of Iran and Israel/Palestine. Chomsky eloquently contextualizes the power of the Israel lobby and the centrality of the U.S. in resolving the underlying antagonisms in the Middle East, as well as weighing in on how U.S. public opinion has shifted over the past several decades and addressing various positive directions for activism.

Iraq: The Forever War (Compact Disc)

Iraq: The Forever War (Compact Disc)

SKU: 9781604861006
Author: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: PM Press/Trade Root
ISBN: 9781604861006
Published: 12/2009
UPC: 877746001024
Format: Audio CD
Time: 60 Minutes
Size: 5.5 x 5.5
Subjects: Spoken Word, Politics


Presenting an arresting analysis of U.S. foreign policy and the war on terror, this original recording delivers a provocative lecture on the nation’s past and present use of force. Demonstrating how imperial powers have historically invented fantastic reasons to sell their wars to their people, this powerful examination illustrates the attack on Iraq as not just a mistake but also a crime, proposing that the criminals behind it should be brought to justice. The discourse focuses on the present U.S. disregard for the Geneva Conventions and the dangerous and immoral use of “anticipatory self-defense” to undermine the United Nations Charter and international law.

In spite of this dark assessment, Chomsky maintains hope for democracy at home and abroad by inspiring listeners to shake off our political malaise and work to build a more egalitarian future for all.

Theory and Practice: Conversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn (DVD)

Theory and Practice: Conversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn (DVD)

SKU: 9781604863055
Contributors: Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Sasha Lilley
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604863055
Published: 3/2010
Format: DVD (NTSC)
Length: 105 Minutes
Size: 5.5 x 7.5
Subjects: Politics, Philosophy, History-US


Two of the most venerable figures on the American Left—Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky—converse with Sasha Lilley about their lives and political philosophies, looking back at eight decades of struggle and theoretical debate. Howard Zinn, interviewed shortly before his death, reflects on the genesis of his politics, from the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War movements to opposing empire today, as well as history, art, and activism. Noam Chomsky discusses the evolution of his libertarian socialist ideals since childhood, his vision for a future post-capitalist society, and his views on the state, science, the Enlightenment, and the future of the planet.

Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours (Noam Chomsky CD)

Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours (Noam Chomsky CD)

SKU: 9781604862119
Author: Noam Chomsky • Introduction by Amy Goodman
Publisher: PM Press/Trade Root
ISBN: 9781604862119
UPC: 877746001222
Format: Audio CD
Time: 73 Minutes
Size: 5.5 x 5.5
Subjects: Spoken Word, Politics, Current Events


More than 2,000 people attended the lecture captured here, in which Chomsky offered a powerful analysis of the current economic crisis and its structural roots, the continuity in U.S. foreign policy under the Barack Obama administration, and the class interests driving U.S. domestic and foreign policy. He also speaks at length about the tradition of worker self-management as a concrete alternative to the business-as-usual approach of corporations and the government during the current crisis. The CD also features an introduction by Amy Goodman.

Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours (Noam Chomsky DVD)

Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours (Noam Chomsky DVD)

SKU: 9781604862102
Author: Noam Chomsky • Introduction by Amy Goodman • Interview by Big Noise Films
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604862102
Published: 4/2010
UPC: 760137494393
Format: DVD (NTSC)
Time: 80 Minutes
Size: 7.5 x 5.5
Subjects: Spoken Word, Politics


More than 2,000 people attended the lecture captured here, in which Chomsky offered a powerful analysis of the current economic crisis and its structural roots, the continuity in U.S. foreign policy under the Barack Obama administration, and the class interests driving U.S. domestic and foreign policy. He also speaks at length about the tradition of worker self-management as a concrete alternative to the business-as-usual approach of corporations and the government during the current crisis. The DVD also features an introduction by Amy Goodman and an exclusive one-on-one interview with Chomsky.

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