Jill Hanley is Associate Professor at the McGill School of Social Work and Scientific Director of the Sherpa Research Centre on Migration, Health and Social Services. Throughout the past 20 years, Dr. Hanley has researched access to health, housing and labour rights for precarious status migrants – temporary foreign workers, refugee claimants and undocumented migrants, in particular, exploring strategies for promoting access to social rights at the individual, family and community level. She is a co-founder of Montreal’s Immigrant Workers’ Centre, where she has been actively involved since 2000. As well, Dr. Hanley teaches courses on migration, social policy and community organizing, and holds the position of the Director of the PhD program at the McGill School of Social Work.

Organize!: Building from the Local for Global Justice
SKU: 9781604864335
Editors: Aziz Choudry, Jill Hanley & Eric Shragge
Publisher: PM Press/Between the Lines
ISBN: 9781604864335
Published: 6/2012
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 336
Subjects: Activism, Current Events
“This superb collection needs to find its way into the hands of every
activist and organizer for social justice. In a series of dazzling
essays, an amazing group of radical organizers reflect on what it means
to build movements in which people extend control over their lives.
These analyses are jam-packed with insights about antiracist,
anticolonial, working-class, and anticapitalist organizing. Perhaps most
crucially, the authors lay down a key challenge for all activists for
social justice: to take seriously the need to build mass movements for
social change. Don’t just read this exceptionally timely and important
work—use it too.”
—David McNally, author of Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance
“To understand the world, you have to try to change it. That’s what
the authors of this fine set of essays and meditations have taken to
heart. The result? Some of the best insights on power, organizing, and
revolution to be found.”
—Raj Patel, author of The Value of Nothing
Book Events
february, 2025
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- Organize!- A Foreword Review
- Organize! A Review
- Avec Nous, Dans la Rue: Pedagogy of Mobilization, University of the Streets
- Organize!: Building from the Local for Global Justice in the Globe & Mail