Voice of the People: Radio By and For the 99%
Our word of the week is another in a series: the Norwegian Social Revolution. We hear an interview of Former President of the Vermont AFL-CIO David Van Deusen, who talks about the vital need for the AFL-CIO, the US labor union federation, and the broader labor movement to reform and to democratize. We then look at what Van Deusen is talking about when an insurgent caucus in the retirees chapter of New York City’s United Federation of Teachers ousted it’s undemocratic leadership. Following that we look at the Missoula City Government’s passage of an unpopular ordinance which punishes the unhoused. And we hear from Missoula City Councilor Daniel Carlino reading his editorial on why he opposes this ordinance. Then we explore the systematic repression of protests against US support of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Finally, we look at how the US government is funding the suppression of free speech and an independent media in Ukraine.