Race Traitor calls itself a journal of the New Abolitionism. Its motto is “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” The journal takes its stand on two points: first, that the “white race” is not a natural but a social category; second, that what was historically constructed can be undone. The first of these points is now widely accepted; scientists have concluded that there are no biological standards for distinguishing one “race” from another, and social scientists have begun to examine how race was constructed and how it is reproduced. The “social construction of race” has become something of a catch-phrase in the academy. However, few have taken the next step: indeed one might say that up to now the philosophers have merely interpreted the white race; the point, however, is to abolish it.
- Three Days that Shook the New World Order: The Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992, by The Chicago Surrealist Group
- My Problem with Multi-Cultural Education, by John Garvey
- Running the Ball in Crown Point, by Kingsley Clarke
- Gangsta’ Rap: Live on the Stage of History, by Christopher Day
- Huckleberry Finn: Race Traitor, Symposium Immigrants and Whites by Noel Ignatiev
- Crossover Dreams: The “exceptional white” in popular culture, by Phil Rubio
- Editors’ Report
- Correspondence
EDITORS: John Garvey, Noel Ignatiev
- Who Lost an American, by Joel Gilbert, as told to Noel Ignatiev
- Back From Hell: Black Power and Treason to Whiteness Inside Prison Walls, by Komboa Ervin
- Letters from Lucasville Prison, by Chryztof Knecht
- When We Don’t Get Race, It Kills Us, by Mab Segrest
- Free To Be Me Richmond Journal: Thirty Years in Black & White, by Edward H. Peeples
- Panic, Rage, and Reason, by John Garvey Out of Whiteness, by Christopher Day
- Review: Ruth Frankenburg, White Women, Race Matters, by Marion Gray “I just called myself a little foot-soldier…”: an Interview with activists at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- Can I Get a Witness, by Phil Rubio
- Reflections on the Comparative History and Sociology of Racism, by George M. Frederickson
- The White Worker and the Labor Movement in Nineteenth-Century America, by Noel Ignatiev
- Editorials: When Does the Unreasonable Act Make Sense?; Anti-Fascism, “Anti-racism,” and Abolition
- Correspondence
EDITORS: John Garvey, Noel Ignatiev
- Manifesto of a Dead Daughter, by Patricia Eakins
- Police Assisted Homicide, by Joel Olson
- White Silence, White Solidarity, by Christine E. Sleeter
- Family Matters, by John Garvey
- Abolish the Jewish Caste, by Adam Sabra
- Lucasville Update, by Chryztof Knecht
- White Blues, by Paul Garon
- Unlettered, by Irving Ignatin
- Poems, by John Strucker
- Reviews:
– Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism and History, by Susan Pennybacker
– The Invention of the White Race, Volume One.
– Racial Oppression and Social Control, by David Roediger
– Memoir of a Race Traitor, by Maryon Gray - Correspondence
EDITORS: John Garvey, Noel Ignatiev
- Editorial: Aux armes! Formez vos bataillons!
- Editorial: Until It Hurts
- Beyond History, by Kate Shepard
- Power Exchange with a National Socialist, Noel Ignatiev and Arthur Pendragon
- Black Siouxie Tells of Daily Life, by Susan Lasley
- Running in Vicious Circles: Racism and the African Drum, by Lilian Friedberg
- Headgear, by Mansfield B. Frazier
- Black-Jewish Conflict in the Labor Context: Race, Jobs, and Institutional Power by Herbert Hill
- Reviews:
– Bomb the Suburbs, by Kingsley Clarke
– Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class, by Matt Wray
– Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920’s, by Beth Henson - Correspondence
EDITORS: John Garvey, Noel Ignatiev ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Beth Henson
- White History Month, by Patricia Eakins
- Copwatch, by Selena and Katrina
- Memories of the Children’s Crusade, by Beth Henson
- Other Races
- Exchange
- Latinos: The Indian Escape Hatch by William Javier Nelson
- Illegal Alien: A Homecoming Address and Telling Times (poem) by Lilian Friedberg
- Pioneer by Richard Rees
- Reviews:
– The First Woman in the Republic
– Sacred Hunger - Books Briefly Noted
- Letters
EDITORS: John Garvey, Noel Ignatiev ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Beth Henson
- Abolitionism on the Campus
– Students for the Abolition of Whiteness: Chicago, by Sophia Kelley, Rob Schuwerk, Prasad Krishnamurthy, and James Kao
– New Abolitionist Students: Austin, Texas - Whiteness in Early Virginia, by Terrence W. Epperson
- Statement to Anti-Racist Network, by Autonomous Zone
- American Dreaming
- Race and the Enlightenment: From Anti-Semitism to White Supremacy, 1492-1676, by Loren Goldner
- Blackface, Jackstraws, and Tin Paneling: Memoir as Confession, by David John Zaido
- Suburbs (poem), by Chris Dietz
- Who’s been burning… (poem), by Jack Hirschman
- Changing Race – two 1947 columns by Joseph D. Bibb & George Schuyler
- Reviews:
– C.L.R. James on the ‘Negro Question’, review by Marty Glaberman
– “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (movie), review by Sam Rivera
– Parish Boundaries; Black Weath/White Weath; Still Promised City, reviews by John Garvey - Letters
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev, Adam Sabra
- Black and White and Dead All Over: The Lucasville Insurrection, by Staughton Lynd
- Privilege on Holiday, by Rich Gibson
- Team Players, by Eula Bliss
- Chiapas & Montana: Tierra Y Libertad, by James Murray
- Repackaging Segregation? A History of the Magnet School System in Montclair, New Jersey, by Jane Manners
- Constructively Demoted, by Thomas Landefeld
- Reviews:
– The Redneck Manifesto review by Joanna Brooks - Letters
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev, Adam Sabra
- Renew the Legacy of John Brown
- Abolitionism and the White Studies Racket by Noel Ignatiev
- Resisting Arrest by Ann Filemyr
- Hunting Whiteness by Rebecca Clark
- Postcard from the Empire of Queen Ixolib by Martin Espada
- Race and the Enlightenment (Part II) by Loren Goldner
- Jaime the Chameleon by James Tracy
- Brown Family Letters
- Plowshares into Swords: John Brown & the Poet of Rage by Beth Henson
- Constructing Whiteness at the Gates of 85 Hell: Black 47’s “Five Points” by Lauren Onkey
- The Hook (poem) by Victoria Marnelli
- Dry Spells (poem) by Michael Gregory
- Reviews
- Letters
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev, Adam Sabra
- Teachers as Saviors, Teachers Who Care by Robert Lowe
- John Brown and Black Revolt by David Roediger
- Mejorando La Raza by Edgar Rivera Colon
- Vachel Lindsay by Ron Sakolsky
- White Trash Identity and the Loss of Slack by James Murray
- An American Nightmare by Lilian Friedberg
- The Wiggers You Love to Hate by David Hill
- Slot Right 24 Take by Antonio Lopez
- Social Climbing by Stephen Mantin
- History 014 by Jay Caspian Kang
- Letter to Myself (poem) by Ronnie Burk
- High Voltage (poem) by Keith A. Eaton
- Reviews
- Letters
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev
- Editorial: Reality and the Future
- “A Fucking White Revolutionary Mass Movement” and Other Fables of Whiteness by David Barber, with Afterword by Noel Ignatiev
- Editors: Abolitionism and the Free Society
- I Become a Political Traitor (poem) by Sara Littlecrow-Russell
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev
- The Life and Death of Timothy McVeigh by John Garvey
- April 19 (fiction) by James Murray
- Tim McVeigh and Me by Lara Braveheart
- John Brown and the Militia
- Race Behind Bars – An Exchange by Staughton Lynd
- Lonely Privilege by Rich Gibson
- “Fight Club” (movie) review by Amiri K. Barksdale
- Timothy Messer-Kruse: Crusaders and Bystanders
- Reviews:
– Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yocky and the Postwar Fascist International review by Loren Goldner
– Beyond Eurocentrism: A New View of Modern World History review by Adam Sabra
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev
- Relative Humanity: The Fundamental Obstacle to a Secular Democratic State Solution by Omar Barghouti
- The One-State Solution in Historical Perspective by Ilan Pappe
- US Policy and the Single State in Palestine/Israel by Naseer H. Aruri
- Why Secular Democracy? by Eli Aminov
- The Binational Solution for the Israeli Palestinian Crisis: A Realistic Solution by As’ad Ghanem
- Binationalism or a National State? A Response to As’ad Ghanem from Adam Sabra
- The Right of Return and the Unitary State in Israel/Palestine by Ghada Karmi
- Russians in the Holy Land by Israel Shamir
EDITORS: John Garvey, Beth Henson, Noel Ignatiev