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Essay #55: Spencer Beswick, ‘Anarchist Anti-Fascism’

Anarchism Research Group Loughborough

Apr 16, 2023

In this essay, Spencer Beswick argues that anarchist infrastructure, values, and tactics played a key role in the development of militant antifascism in the late twentieth century United States. He explores how anarchists in Anti-Racist Action (1987-2013) and Love and Rage (1989-1998) confronted fascists in the streets while also organizing radical movements that sought to address the root causes of the broader social crisis. Spencer Beswick is a PhD Candidate at Cornell University writing a dissertation titled “Love and Rage: Revolutionary Anarchism in the Late Twentieth Century.” His most recent publications are “From the Ashes of the Old: Anarchism Reborn in a Counterrevolutionary Age (1970s-1990s)” in Anarchist Studies and “Defending Democracy Through Elections Won’t Be Enough to Stop Fascism” in Truthout. Our music comes from Them’uns (featuring Yous’uns).

Anarchist Essays is brought to you by Loughborough University’s Anarchism Research Group. 
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