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Book Launch for New Edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program

The International Marxist-Humanist

Recording of book launch event on Saturday, March 18 – Editors

Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program offers the fullest elaboration of his vision for a communist future, free from the shackles of capital but also the state. Neglected by the statist versions of socialism, whether social democratic or Stalinist that left a wreckage of coercion and disillusionment in their wake, this new annotated translation of Marx’s Critique – just issued by PM Press with commentaries by Peter Hudis and Peter Linebaugh — makes clear for the first time the full emancipatory scope of his notion of life after capitalism.

Save 20% on Critique of the Gotha Program book and e-Book by using coupon code GOTHA at the PM Press website:


  • International Marxist-Humanist Organization


  • Global Latinidades Center, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Paulo Freire Democratic Project, Chapman University


  • Saturday, March 18

Panel 1:

  • Karel Ludenhoff, labor activist and writer, co-translator of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Peter Linebaugh, University of Toledo, US, co-author of The Many-Headed Hydra: Slaves, Commoners and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic
  • Esther Leslie, Birkbeck-University of London, UK, author of Walter Benjamin: Overpowering Conformism
  • Ricado Jacobs, University of California-Santa Barbara, US, and South Africa, writer for Journal of Peasant Studies and other journals

Panel 2:

  • Peter Hudis, Oakton College, US, author of Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism
  • Eleonora Roldán Mendívil, Kassel University/University of Witwatersrand, Germany/South Africa
  • Lalan Kishor Singh, long-time trade union activist associated with the revolutionary communist movement, India (with extra time for interpretation from Hindi to English)

Panel 3:

  • Kevin B. Anderson, University of California-Santa Barbara, US, author of Marx at the Margins
  • Heather A. Brown, Westfield State University, US, author of Marx on Gender and the Family
  • Lyndon Porter, Black student activist and writer, California, US
  • Andres Magon-Marmol, XikanIndio Marxist communitarian organizer, California, US