Mythic Medicine
February 3, 2021
If the phrase “school wounds” stirs something inside of you, or the words “crisis schooling” describe your current reality as a parent or caregiver, or you’ve just always intuited that there’s something not quite right about modern compulsory schooling, this episode is for you.
- The reimagining of schooling as we’ve known it
- Akilah’s story of schooling and unschooling
- Unschooling is not just school at home- it’s a whole new paradigm of learning, power, and belonging
- School wounds
- The radical presence it takes to raise up kids in this way
- How leaving school can free up a family’s life in myriad unanticipated ways
- Schoolishness and the American Dream, in which so much of the actual human gets lost
- The slow normalization of dehumanizing systems and institutions
- Being constantly in curiosity about how our children (and ourselves!) actually learn
- Reframing consent in the parent/child relationship
- The liberation of being allowed bodily autonomy (especially for black folk)
- Akilah’s response to the common assertions that only stay at home parents/rich people/white people can school at home
- Actionizing love & recognizing that it’s all portal work
RESOURCES (if listening on an app that doesn’t support embedded links, find these at
- Fare of the Free Child Podcast
- Raising Free People: Unschooling as Liberation and Healing Work by Akilah S. Richards
- Akilah’s Patreon
- Akilah on Instagram
- Medicine Stories Patreon (podcast bonuses!)
- Psychology Today article
- John Tayloe Gatto’s many astute writings on modern schooling
- My website
- Take our fun Which Healing Herb is Your Spirit Medicine? Quiz
- Medicine Stories Facebook group
- Mythic Medicine on Instagram
- Music by Mariee Sioux (from her beautiful song Wild Eyes)