By Project Censored
May 16th, 2022
Mickey is joined for the hour by former co-host Peter Phillips and University of California, Santa Barbara sociologist William I. Robinson. They discuss Robinson’s new book “Global Civil War: Capitalism Post Pandemic” out from PM Press. Robinson says that the many types of digital technologies created, enhanced or expanded in recent years have changed the nature of world capitalism, and that — with the advent of the coronavirus pandemic — the capitalist class has hastened to deploy these new tools to control populations, with the aim of suppressing the peoples’ uprisings that have been growing in extent and scale for more than a decade. Phillips and Robinson offer ideas about what sort of popular movement will be needed to confront this new variant of predatory capitalism.
William I. Robinson teaches Sociology, Global Studies, and Latin American Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara campus. His previous books include Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity and The Global Police State. Peter Phillips is Professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University. He’s also a former director of Project Censored, and the cofounder of the Project Censored Show. His most recent book is Giants: the Global Power Elite.
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay