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THE FALLOUT – ROBIN HOOD based on Turning Money into Rebellion


from What Is Past Is Prologue / 2018 / The Fallout / Red Menace Records / Rebel Time Records

footage: Blekingegade / The Left Wing Gang / Danish mini-series / 2009 / One of the most captivating chapters from the European anti-imperialist milieu of the 1970s and ’80s; the Blekingegade Group had emerged from a communist organization whose analysis of the metropolitan labor aristocracy led them to develop an illegal Third Worldist practice. While members lived modest lives, over a period of almost two decades they sent millions of dollars acquired in spectacular heists to Third World liberation movements

footage: The Fallout / This Ain’t Hollywood / Hamilton / March 24, 2019 / Stronger Than Ever Videos

required reading: “Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark’s Revolutionary Bank Robbers” / Gabriel Kuhn / 2014 / Kersplebedeb Publishing

That’s me in the dead of night
With a rusty hairpin and an old flashlight
Walking in through your front door
I’m looking for the country’s money
The tallest fences I have scaled
In and out you know I never fail
Sitting in your backyard in Rosedale
I’m looking for the country’s money

I’m a modern day robin hood
Doing brave deeds for the common good
In our finest neighbourhoods
I’m fighting the worst pollution
Uneven power distribution
And I’ve got my own solution for it

Walking down the Bridal Path
Looking for that secret stash
Leaving with sacks full of cash
I’m looking for the country’s money
Searching for that golden pot
Of piles of money that’s been left to rot
Sometimes you’re home, sometimes you’re not
When I’m looking for the country’s money

And I’m not going to stop
I’m reaching for the top
And I’m not going to stop

Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark’s Revolutionary Bank Robbers