By Chris Garlock and Patrick Dixon; social media guru: Harold Phillips
Labor History Today
May 2nd, 2021
“So many people have been unwilling to say the word strike, but say it with me: Strike, strike, strike!” AFA president Sara Nelson’s inspirational keynote at the April 6 symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of Jeremy Brecher’s classic labor history book “Strike!”
On today’s Labor History in 2: Our Thing is DRUM!
To contribute a labor history item, email [email protected]
Labor History Today is produced by the Metro Washington Council’s Union City Radio and the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor at Georgetown University. We’re a proud founding member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network, more than 100 shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns. #LaborRadioPod
#LaborRadioPod #History #WorkingClass #ClassStruggle @ILLaborHistory @RickSmithShow #LaborHistory @PMPressOrg @FlyingWithSara @labornotes @LN4S
Edited/produced by Chris Garlock and Patrick Dixon; social media guru: Harold Phillips