
The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow in True Review

The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

By Andy Andrews
True Review
September 2020

In THE GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW Plus, author Cory Doctorow is almost obsessed with giving us detail, in the trenches, fighting as a literary artist. He soon realizes and informs us many times in this fiction and nonfiction compendium that making a living as a fiction writer these days is nearly impossible.

Doctorow is our present-day techno-geek cyberadventurer — or geek literary technologist — or simply just geek — who is ready to provide necessary details about the impact of technology and how much tyrannical corporate control publishers have over a writer’s life, and his/her/their works, creative copyright, the horrors of a capitalist literary system and how it will be hard to stay abreast of all the developments (read his “Creativity Vs. Copyright”).

In light of how powerful and controlling Amazon has become, Doctorow challenges us to recognize these impacts and use them (in a work-around) with strategies he seems reluctant to provide.

How Doctorow creates his art is given great detail in the interview here by Terry Bisson, “Look for the Lake.”

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