Interview, PM Press Blog

Pushed Out: The Anti-eviction Mapping Project on “The Activist Files”

Center for Constitutional Rights
October 10th, 2019

Speakers: Chandra M. Hayslett, Ariana Faye Allensworth, Sam Raby

On the 19th episode of “The Activist Files,” Communications Director Chandra Hayslett talks with photographer Ariana Faye Allensworth and map maker and interactive media developer Sam Raby of the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP), a data-visualization, data analysis, and storytelling collective documenting the dispossession and resistance upon gentrifying landscapes. Ariana and Sam provide an overview of the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, explain how the Ellis Act has impacted evictions in California, and the role oral history plays in the project. Ariana is a Laundromat Project fellow, so she also shares with our audience how she is collaborating with the AEMP to produce “Staying Power: A Youth Participatory Action Research Project.” The project combines photovoice — a participatory research methodology that uses photography as a form of inquiry — and oral history interviews to examine New York City Housing Authority histories through the lens of longtime residents.

Right to Counsel NYC Coalition is a coalition of advocates, tenants, academics, and legal services providers in support of right to counsel for low-income tenants who face eviction in New York City.

People’s Tribunal on Evictions: Join tenants from across the city, and members of the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition as we put landlords and the government on trial for their role in the eviction crisis. Tuesday, October 29, 2019, 5-9 p.m., 125 Barclay St. NY, NY 10007. RVSP

Root Shock by Dr. Mindy Fullilove. The book examines three U.S. cities to unmask the crippling results of decades-old disinvestment in communities of color and the urban renewal practices that ultimately destroyed these neighborhoods for the advantage of developers and the elite. builds technology for tenants and organizers fighting displacement.

NYCs Worst Evictors is a list detailing the landlords who evict the most families in the neighborhoods where Right to Counsel is currently in effect.

Housing Data Coalition is a group of individuals and organizations who collaborate on their use of public data to further housing justice in New York City.