Ross, Clifton. Even Good Dogs Have Bad Dreams: Four American Poets. UK: Stride Publications, 1996.
Ross, Clifton. Fables for an Open Field. UK:Trombone Press, 1995.
Ross, Clifton. Fabulas Para un Campo Abierto. Venezuela: Editorial Casa Tomada, 2007.
Ross, Clifton. Traducciones del Silencio. Venzuela: Ministry of Culture, Ediciones el Perro y la Rana, 2008.
Ross, Clifton. Translations from Silence. Available at
Ross, Clifton. William Everson: The Light the Shadow Casts. UK: Stride Publications, 1996.
Ross, Clifton. A Dream Made of Stars: A Bilingual Anthology of Nicaraguan Poetry. Berkely: Co-Press, 1986.
Cardenal, Ernesto. Quetzalcoatl. Berkeley: New Earth Publications, 1990.
Sandino, Augusto C. Light and Truth. Berkeley: Co-Press, 1984.
Ross, Clifton. Voice of Fire: Communiques and Interview of the Zapatista National Liberation Army. San Francisco: Freedom Voices Publications, 2000.