Gabriel Kuhn's Blog

New Landauer Online Bibliography

By Gabriel Kuhn

In the last decade, there has been a revival of interest in the work of the German anarchist Gustav Landauer (1870-1919). While, in Germany, Edition AV has released a substantial, multi-volume collected works series, translations of Landauer’s writings have appeared in several languages. In 2010, PM Press published the most comprehensive English volume to date under the title Revolution and Other Writings.

Now, an exciting online tool has been launched to further help investigate Landauer’s legacy. With the support of an international group of Landauer enthusiasts, Anatole Lucet, a philosopher at Lyon’s École normal supérieure, has created an “online participative bibliography” aiming “to supply a complete and up-to-date list of works related to Gustav Landauer”. In an announcement for the project, its purpose is described as follows:

“The bibliography gathers primary as well as secondary literature, it mentions all known texts and talks by Landauer. Some parts are still under construction, but the core is already there: more than 1600 items, including Landauer’s own writings as well as scholarly articles, monographs, book reviews, novels, newspaper articles dedicated to Landauer or simply mentioning his name are stated and classified. Each time an item is available online, a web link is provided in order to make access easier to all sources. All translations of texts by and on Landauer are mentioned, in order to allow a broader international knowledge of the German philosopher and to answer the growing interest for his life and thought. Eighteen languages are already present, hopefully more will come.”

The database uses the open-source software Zotero and can be accessed freely. Potential contributors are encouraged to contact Anatole Lucet to facilitate inclusion in the editorial collective. The site can be visited here.

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