By Finlay Greig

Self-taught, Nick Blinko is an ‘outsider artist’, creating work out of compulsion rather than any career aspirations. But to do so, he has to wean himself off his medication for schizophrenia
After his work featured in our recent discussion of Outsider Art, Blinko ruminates here about his first steps into art and punk music, his inspirations, and his time as an employee and resident of a psychiatric unit.
To keep the symptoms of his schizophrenia at bay, Blinko has had to take a catalogue of medications that have stifled his ability to create – and, under one medication, to dream.
“Clozapine kept me on a keel, for 20 years, but I didn’t seem to dream on it.
“Presently I take Zopiclone – sleeping draught – to mimic soporific tendencies. After 20 years I have dreams again.”

Using cross hatching – a method of drawing that involves creating shade using intersecting drawn lines – Blinko, 55, sketches patchworks of ghoulish figures, skulls and words, typically in black and white.
“[Cross hatching] seemed to me depression incarnate – depth via the depths,” says Blinko.
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Henry Boxer – who displays Blinko’s work at his gallery in London – says Blinko has to wean himself off his medication to create, which leaves him “open to hallucinations”:
“He compromises his sanity to produce his art.”

Coming off his prescribed medication is a serious move for Blinko, but one he’s willing to take for the sake of his art.
“Recently drawing is my drive and joy,” he says. “The absence of this drive leaves a sizeable hole.
“He compromises his sanity to produce his art.”
Henry Boxer on Nick Blinko
“By drawing I can erase the daunting world.”
A portrait of the artist as a young man
Like most artists, Nick Blinko’s burning desire to create stems from his youth.
“Everyone it seems is an artist during childhood,” he says. “Then, wisely, they absorb themselves elsewhere.”
Blinko first picked up a pen in his teenage years due to boredom and, as he puts it, “being overwhelmed by melancholy”.
With pen in hand, he began to write lyrics for his experimental electronic band Magits and make his first drawings.
“They got rid of their most dangerous clients, apart from me of course.”
After Magits came anarcho-punk band Rudimentary Peni, who gained a cult following due to their unflinchingly dark lyrics and haunting album cover art, created by Blinko himself.
In his late teenage years Blinko started working in a psychiatric unit – and the mistreatment of patients concerned him.
“In 1978/1979 I worked in what was then called a mental hospital. I worked hard there, but for some odd reason I pretended to my friends that I loafed, shirked and lurked.
“Many from all tiers of the hospital staff referred to the denizens – then termed patients – as subnormal. A hangover from the Victorian origins of an asylum for imbeciles.
“They had a whole blow by blow run down of such regimented designations – at times defined by facial dimensions alone. In the 20th century others arrived with other labels.”
“They got rid of their most dangerous clients, apart from me of course.”

The melancholy that Blinko experienced in his youth manifested into schizoaffective disorder as he grew older.
“My schizoaffective psychotic activities emerge in mild night terrors, sleepwalking, but essentially in all-encompassing delusions – fixated on the antics of local lad Nicholas Breakspear aka Adrian IV.”
Pope Adrian IV – who acted as the head of the Catholic Church from 1154-159 – hailed from Abbots Langley, Blinko’s hometown.
In the early-Nineties Blinko was sectioned under Section 3 of the UK Mental Health Act 1983, due to delusions he was experiencing – chiefly of Adrian IV – brought on by schizophrenia.
Rudimentary Peni’s album Pope Adrian 37th Psychristiatric opens with the track ‘Pogo Pope’ – three and a half minutes of shredding guitar and Blinko shouting “Pogo Pope” repeatedly – one of many examples of him making light of a traumatic time in his life.
More recently Blinko has released a book of 87 drawings titled Visions of Pope Adrian 37th.
First editions of the book can fetch up to $5,000 on eBay.