Nurses unions from 28 different countries are taking on governments and Big Pharma with a simple demand: Waive patents on…
The Nation
Paco Ignacio Taibo’s Republic of Readers
By Marc CooperThe NationApril 15th, 2019 Mexico’s de facto culture minister wants to remake his society—starting with books. On a…
Tens of Thousands of California Prisoners Launch Mass Hunger Strike
By Victoria LawThe NationJuly 10th, 2013 On Monday, July 8, prisoners at the Security Housing Unit (SHU) in California’s Pelican…
Watch Jenny Brown @ Strand Bookstore, NYC
Join us as feminist organizer Jenny Brown discusses her new book, Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work, with…
With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, How Far Will the State’s Attacks on Women Go?
By Liza Featherstone The Nation October 25th, 2018 Another reader asks about weathering a public #MeToo event with PTSD. Illustrated…
How to Understand Mother as a Verb This Mother’s Day and Always
By Dani McClainThe NationMay 7th, 2016 A new book reminds us that mothers are voices from the front lines that…
How a Former Black Panther Could Change the Rules of Solitary Confinement
A solitary confinement cell at New York’s Rikers Island. (AP Photo / Bebeto Matthews) Originally published in The NationBy Victoria…