By The Witch Institute This event will introduce a discussion on witch-hunting as state violence and perceptions of witchcraft in…
The Meteor
Why ‘Wages for Housework’ Needs to Make a Comeback
By Katie Tandy The Public August 25th, 2021 The pandemic threw into sharp relief what many of us already knew:…
Reproducing labor power to reproducing our struggle? Notes on Revolutionary Feminism
An annual lecture with Silvia Federici, part of the Laws of Social Reproduction project led by Prof. Prabha Kotiswaran, and…
Reshma Saujani & Dr. Silvia Federici on the COVID-19 Caregiving Crisis | 21 for ’21
The MeteorJune 2nd, 2021 Everything that went wrong this year for working parents and caregivers? She predicted it. In this…