by Benjamin WhitmerSpinetingler Magazine I’m going to start with what I hope isn’t a shocking confession in the world of…
Dancing With Myself: Benjamin Whitmer Interviews Benjamin Whitmer
Benjamin Whitmer Interviews Benjamin Whitmer Nigel Bird, Sea Minor blog23rd October, 2010 I’m just back from the Lake District. For…
Psycho-Noir: Nigel Bird’s Essential Noirs
By Nigel BirdPsychoNoirNovember 19, 2010 Nigel Bird is a Support For Learning teacher in a primary school near Edinburgh. Co-Producer of…
Benjamin Whitmer’s Debut Novel Pike
By Rod NormanSigns and WondersNovember 16th, 2010 I recently heard my buddy Jed Ayres of “Hardboiled Wonderland” raving about a…
Pike One of 2010’s Best
By Graham BowlinThe Pulp Primer Dark, dangerous, tragic, beautifully written debut. The story of a small town in Ohio where…
Pike: Best Book of the Year
By Charlie StellaTemporary KnuckslineNovember 1, 2010 TK Special Review: The best book of the year … Pike, Benjamin Whitmer (PM…
Spinetingler Falls for Pike
Spinetingler MagazineJuly 2010 One of the books that I’ve been looking forward to reading the most this year was Pike…
Kick Him Honey: A Review of Pike
By Jed AyresRansom Notes: The BN Mystery BlogFriday, October 29, 2010 Pike, the new novel from Benjamin Whitmer is the…
Pike: A Crimespree Magazine Review
By Jennifer Jordan Crimespree Magazine September/October 2010 Over at his blog Benjamin Whitmer said that crime fiction is “supposed to…
Pike’s Peak an Interview with Benjamin Whitmer
By Jed AyresHardboiled WonderlandOctober 29, 2010 Benjamin Whitmer’s novel Pike is the most exciting, kick ass debut of the year.…