By Steve HartRazorcakeJanuary 23, 2012 I’m a father of four kids. The youngest is nine and the oldest is twenty-one.…
Going Underground: A Review in Razorcake
by Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeAugust 25th, 2016 Despite the glut of punk history books in recent years, still precious few attempt an…
Left of the Dial: A Razorcake Review
by Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeNovember 21st, 2013 Ensminger is no stranger to punk rock-he’s been around the scene since at least the…
Positive Force: A Review in RazorCake
By Lisa WeissRazorCakeMarch 19th, 2015 The DC punk scene is probably the best documented in the world. There’s Banned in…
Barred For Life: A Review in Razorcake
by Kurt MorrisRazorcakeMay 17th, 2013 I have been looking forward to Barred for Life for a number of years now.…
The Primal Screamer on Razorcake
By Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeMarch 30, 2012 I remember repeatedly picking up, then putting down, a copy of Rudimentary Peni vocalist/guitarist and…
Black Flags and Windmills: A Razorcake Review
By Steve HartRazorcakeMarch 30, 2012 I lived in New Orleans in the late 1980s, when the city was in a…